animals Sheboon just not getting it (2 Viewers)

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Victor of Hades
We have a fine table for you in the basement.



Reject conformity, embrace cringe.
I wonder what would they do in case of a little girl wearing tutu and fairy wings.


You can tell the faggot with the face mask is a democrat virtue signaling to the world what a superior human being he is.
Every fucking time.


Forum Veteran
But a black man walked past, behind the manager when he was talking. 😂🤣

That woman is making her child feel like crap too. That's BAD parenting. He will end up being raciest now thinking that blacks are discriminated against all the time when MOST of the time they aren't. It's mainly an accuse for them to kick the fuck off or think they're entitled.


Forum Veteran
If you don't want them in the restaurant, don't have watermelon and pigs trotters on the menu. Simple.


...God's favorite troll...
... White people don't get it...

...No Matter how much you try, niggers will NEVER be civil human beings...

...I'm tired of living with apes because some guilty white assholes are afraid of being labeled racist...


Forum Veteran
Look Ma'am, with all due respect this is a Civilised Establishment and we do not allow Niggers and dirty Scum bags like yourselves. So if you be so kind enough to leave.


Forum Veteran

This classy white establishment doesn't allow animals to come stray off from the streets and muck up there place of business. But this sheboon and her niglets aren't getting that fact.

Go back to Special K bitch.

This pussy's first job was as a fuckin piece of shit telemarketer. Although I agree with the restaurant policy of no zoo animals allowed, this dude was a chicken shit cunt. That chick had him back pedaling the entire time. This dude deserves exile from not only the white race but the male species as well. Never, EVER let them intimidate you into backing down. That's what apes do in the wild. Thump their chests, make a bunch of noise and charge at you with the hopes you will back down. Wanna see a monkey get its mind blown? Stand your ground and tell them no. They hate that shit. It's their kryptonite 😆 🤣