Shocking video shows helpless granny being spun around by thug (2 Viewers)

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Forum Veteran
i'm still thinking about this dipshit noob lackwit piece of asshat spinning sweet grand-nanny like some trophy dirty condom he just picked up in the street

male bully's that grow into manhood are cowards who play like this.
i bet he's never gotten smart like that with a male.

bah! he's too afraid of consequences.. like a big beefy fat fist that hits faster and harder than his own..

yes she's the perfect victim so he can continue being the perfect bully.
picking the perfect victims outside the confines of youth and school yards.
thats how his mojo flows

lets hope he picks the wrong grandmother. and he will.
..and we see his "hammer-smashed_face" bleeds out to tunes of cannibal corpse on a vid here real soon


Internet Warrior
I laughed at this...I know I shouldn't BUT it lightened up my day... =)


Internet Warrior
i'm still thinking about this dipshit noob lackwit piece of asshat spinning sweet grand-nanny like some trophy dirty condom he just picked up in the street

male bully's that grow into manhood are cowards who play like this.
i bet he's never gotten smart like that with a male.

bah! he's too afraid of consequences.. like a big beefy fat fist that hits faster and harder than his own..

yes she's the perfect victim so he can continue being the perfect bully.
picking the perfect victims outside the confines of youth and school yards.
thats how his mojo flows

lets hope he picks the wrong grandmother. and he will.
..and we see his "hammer-smashed_face" bleeds out to tunes of cannibal corpse on a vid here real soon