fights Shut A Bitch Up 🤫 (1 Viewer)

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Hope Mojo dies
Fucks sake imagine having to use public transport there. One guy was even asleep sideways on one of the seats with just his socks on. What a shithole. Where abouts in America is it?

EDIT= never mind it's Hollywood Just heard the public announcment and it was in a couple of different languages lol


Everything will be really bad.
She touched him. So she's at fault. Dopey fkn beeaatch

I think she said that he was in her bag or belongings possibly as he thought she'd stole from him. Which explains why he was looking at the floor searching for something.
In my mind this makey sense.
Yes. That dude was definitely looking for something. I think he thought it might have fallen on the floor, but most likely that girl snatched it.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo supermod - yes misssssus......attennnnn hut....
spamming you say ? yet you are spamming you tube vids - anyway that way my last comment