snow storm hammers U.K. (1 Viewer)

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silent ghost
updated 11/28/2010 12:07:41 AM ET 2010-11-28T05:07:41

LONDON — Heavy snow was spreading across much of the United Kingdom on Sunday, with northeast England and eastern Scotland bearing the brunt of a wintry blast.
Temperatures were expected to remain below freezing through Sunday morning, with Siberian winds making Monday's cold feel even colder, the BBC reported.
Up to 6 inches of snow was expected in parts of Scotland and 4 inches in Northern Ireland.
On Saturday, up to 16 inches of snow buried northeast England and Scotland, which the BBC said was the most widespread snow for the date since 1993. Snow also fell across parts of Wales, The Telegraph newspaper reported.
Snow also blanketed several parts of Europe, including the Netherlands, which experienced its first major snowfall of the season over the weekend.

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The weather spurred cancellations of races and soccer matches. However, the BBC said Newcastle United brought in extra staff to assure Sunday's game against Chelsea would go forward.
The BBC quoted Northumbria police: "Anyone going outside should consider whether their journey is critical and if they must venture out should dress appropriately."
In Allenheads, Northumberland, skiers hoped for more snow on the village's slope, The Telegraph said. However, an Allenheads spokesman said not only was there not yet enough snow to open, but road conditions were so bad, motorists should stay away.
Skiers in Scotland fared better, with 1,500 taking to the slopes at Cairngorm Mountain Resort.
The conditions caused numerous traffic accidents and over 10,000 breakdowns, The Telegraph said.
Flights were delayed at some airports as the snow closed runways, The Telegraph said. Lightning hit the radar system at Jersey Airport.
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LOL snow storm bulllllshit. It's more like a fucking sludge-pile


Up here (Glasgow, Scotland) we have had like 15" of snow and its currently -13, Not much has been said about it up here apart from...Roads are icy, weve had warning of snow storms but Scotland is acting pretty normal about it unlike last year when most of the public transport was canceled and it was fucking chaos and we ran out of salt for the roads...its Scotland, it gets cold ffs!!!!
I cunted my head open on friday night in buchanan street. Still ended up in a club and managed to pull. lol
Saturday saw girls still wearing mini skirts ffs. Nothing stops glasgow ammirite?


silent ghost
up state new york (buffalo area) recieved up to near 36" people trapped on the highways and in their cars for up tward 24 hrs!


You aint kidding, iv seen people out wearing high heels and having to walk like they have been done up the arse cuz the snow is half way up their shin!
Well, hopefully that hasnt stopped, i'm off out to Byres Road tonight, hopefully pull again, this time minus the head injury and stitches. :)
It's sposed to be winter here but you'd never know it....feels like fucking spring! We even had a typhoon yesterday, follwed by hot sunny weather...where's my fucking winter???!!!!


I managed to survive last night. Fell twice trying to prevent a girl i met from falling and failed miserably. Still awesome night.
Protip: If someone offers you a strawberry beer, tell them to fuck off. It's horrible.


no less than 3 inches, 3 INCHES OMG, of snow fell here today, trains have come to a halt, airports have closed, there's stories of people being stuck in traffic since last night, planes are falling from the sky, giant glaciers are building in the north, creeping along at an alarming rate of 100 miles an hour.
the day has cometh, behold winter.

ps. i've been drifting like mad all day going sideways through ever corner, walter rorl(google it mofos) eat ur heart out.


2 customers and 5 staff just got found (alive and well, and probably really drunk) at The Lion Inn and Tavern after being snowed in for 9 days in the UK.

They said they had plenty of coal, booze, food and sleeping rooms.

My fucking dream.