fights Special Olympics? (1 Viewer)

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silent ghost
whys he in a chair when it seems he has use of his legs?
unless hes got some use.
wheelchair guy has aggression. i would too,for being confined to a chair also. a lot of pent up anger could happen if you pick the wrong person.
surprised the guy didnt george floyd him with the front wheels!


Kill 'em all
whys he in a chair when it seems he has use of his legs?
unless hes got some use.
wheelchair guy has aggression. i would too,for being confined to a chair also. a lot of pent up anger could happen if you pick the wrong person.
surprised the guy didnt george floyd him with the front wheels!
Upon careful analysis it appears he is the proud owner of just one leg. The leg of power.
Black guy who got beat up tried to regain his lost honor by challenging the wheelchair-bound dude to round 2 with an American Indian foot wrestling match. He still lost, and in round 3 he again failed in the naming of state capitals sudden death challenge bout and ultimately went down 3-0.


Resident Rope Bottom
We've seen a few videos where someone in a wheel chair whips a seemingly able-bodied person's ass. Maybe all the energy that used to go to powering their legs now goes to their arms and they now have super strength.


Forum Veteran
Black guy who got beat up tried to regain his lost honor by challenging the wheelchair-bound dude to round 2 with an American Indian foot wrestling match. He still lost, and in round 3 he again failed in the naming of state capitals sudden death challenge bout and ultimately went down 3-0.
I don't know if there would be any honour in beating a guy in a wheelchair first time around never mind 2 and 3. He was in a no win situation right from the start, if he wins he beat a guy in a wheel chair which isn't really a win and if he loses as he obviously did he got whupped by a cripple


Forum Veteran
Martin Lawrence looks rough.


I exist
I think I saw this brawl before. Over on the road the crack house is on. Place always gets raided by the police.


cripples tend to be a tough bunch, i suppose they need to be to survive in this nasty world

just recently, i was looking at a blind guy walking down the street (with stick they use), and he comes towards me and says "what are you looking at?"
I responded "i thought you were blind?", and he says he can see a little...nasty semi-blind liar, i hope he trips and falls soon