fights They're At It Again (2 Viewers)

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Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
It’s like The Nutty Professor’s family all having an argument. The shoes may have remained on the wall if the abdominal aprons and love handles weren’t so large 😂.

And go Karen! Save the day 😂😂😂

Poor kid though, the shame cycle passes on…


Fuck'n niggers! Sorry, archaic street hominids. Why can't we have a few states free from these lesser species. Take Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio and eliminate these animals so all us good Caucasians have a safe place to live.....what the hell, Wisconsin and Minnisota too

JG Ballard

I want to watch
Was hoping those fat shits would bump bellies a few times. Funny that there's the footlocker guy in the referee shirt at 0:24 like it was a professional wrestling match.