beatings Thief Gets The Beating Of His Life (1 Viewer)

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That's something you don't see everyday..... I guess here we do see it most days. He probably deserved it.


My place got broken in to 01:30 Saturday night. Next doors nephew decided to turn up at their place, fucked out of his head. They kicked him out, so he proceeded to smash a window in their property. I was in my back garden and observed him kicking off, but then he decided to come through our adjoining gate and go in to my place via the rear door.

I confronted him in my front room, where it got slightly ugly, the rozzers appeared halfway through the shindig, as next door had called them.
He got charged with assault, which isn’t what I was pissed off about mostly. I figured him brazenly walking in to my place uninvited warranted a more severe charge, not that the police agreed.
Anyway, in the course of my conversation with the rozzers after they confirmed to me if someone is in your house, uninvited, you can use force even if they haven’t used any on you to eject them. This can involve striking them and you won’t be charged with any crime for that. Them being in your house is sufficient to warrant a self-defence plea.


where was this? this should be done every where.
fucking u.s.a. with their pussy laws that protects the criminal element more than is citizens,wont allow this. because we would be in the wrong for protecting our shit and then sued by the fucking crook. and he'd win!
This dirty fucker deserved it!! This should be done to every thief!