bizarre Touchdown for moloch (1 Viewer)

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🖤 Dead 🖤
Super Moderator
So pretentious and utter garbage



if thats how you view your average person than youd be right but thats not me buddy. If your trying to get a reaction than your shit out of luck. Im just sharing some little harmless tunes and entertainment. Why do you and all your friends attack instead of paying no mind to it? Is it just how the goregrish culture is? Do you all have some kind of love for me in those blackened hearts?
🤔 okay jokes aside .... your message is confusing and unappealing really... the music and vocals are terrible video and editing also terrible... I have no idea what the actual point of any of these videos are trying to tell me illuminate? Jeffrey epstien? consumerism? it's like a conspiracy theory jumble poem set to music with no tune at all . maybe you should start by thinking of us as just people with hearts ... not blackened hearts


This is exactly what PedoMohammad wanted.
Just as it is now satanic Islam as religion for those who admire a pedophilic person

Varmint Hunter

I'd go to hell just to shoot the Devil in the face
World globalists / WEF / Soros, Fauci, etc already made their plans open to what they have in mind with the world. Great Reset, we own nothing, live in pods, and eat freeze dried rations. Population control through forced "vaccinations". The movie SONGBIRD also warns about this.

The next war will not be civil as in Union vs. Confederate in 1861-65. It will be more like the US Marines vs. the Japanese on Okinawa and Guadalcanal. All out brutality. I hope all freedom loving folks are armed and ready.


Well unknown member
🤔 okay jokes aside .... your message is confusing and unappealing really... the music and vocals are terrible video and editing also terrible... I have no idea what the actual point of any of these videos are trying to tell me illuminate? Jeffrey epstien? consumerism? it's like a conspiracy theory jumble poem set to music with no tune at all . maybe you should start by thinking of us as just people with hearts ... not blackened hearts
just hush and enjoy it


Retard Extraordinaire
i am friend of the producer and i also do unique sound effects for some the videos, people all over the world still worship gods of the early ages of time and they are actually more in control of the world than any other human due to supernatural knowledge that is real and still happening. I am not illuminated but i do have family active in masonry and are particularly wealthy due to being politically active and running private businesses. Ive come across many occult persons over the years but thats a long story. It is not an ARG. Its just reality. The real reality, not the watered down television hyponotherapy reality that peoples eyes consume on a daily basis. The abuse citizens of goverments face is real

if thats how you view your average person than youd be right but thats not me buddy. If your trying to get a reaction than your shit out of luck. Im just sharing some little harmless tunes and entertainment. Why do you and all your friends attack instead of paying no mind to it? Is it just how the goregrish culture is? Do you all have some kind of love for me in those blackened hearts?
Yeah, pretty much. It's a right of passage to be ridiculed until you've proven yourself worthy of acceptance, in my opinion.
i am friend of the producer and i also do unique sound effects for some the videos, people all over the world still worship gods of the early ages of time and they are actually more in control of the world than any other human due to supernatural knowledge that is real and still happening. I am not illuminated but i do have family active in masonry and are particularly wealthy due to being politically active and running private businesses. Ive come across many occult persons over the years but thats a long story. It is not an ARG. Its just reality. The real reality, not the watered down television hyponotherapy reality that peoples eyes consume on a daily basis. The abuse citizens of goverments face is real
Lol, you are so dumb ^^ magick isn't real and masonry is basically mystic judaism