Trump tests positive for Covid-19 (1 Viewer)

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Notorious RBG gets revenge from the grave. In their quest to rush in her replacement it appears as if Amy Barrett's Rose Garden nomination was the super spreader. An outdoor event with no social distancing and hardly any masks. So far 24 people are connected via this event and the campaign. They're not even talking about all those dumb fucks that attended his rally events to spin the wheel of death.
rose garden massacre.jpg

Since there's now 3 senators(and counting) with covid they may not have the votes to confirm Barrett.


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Kellyanne infecting Barr. No word from him since Trump news broke.



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Chris Christie is positive now, you can seen him in the video. It's being speculated that Barrett herself may have been the spreader. She had covid in the summer and even with a negative test, some scientists think those people may still shed the virus.


Chris Christie is positive now, you can seen him in the video. It's being speculated that Barrett herself may have been the spreader. She had covid in the summer and even with a negative test, some scientists think those people may still shed the virus.
Yeah, this is probably true. The RT-PCR they're using has been developed and tested using lab samples, which contain much more virus than a 'real' sample usually would. The test, then, isn't thought to be as accurate for community testing and is giving an as-yet-unquantified number of false negatives - particularly problematic for testing asymptomatic people, who will have a lower viral load.

Here's a Lancet article for anyone interested in this stuff.