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Let It All Bleed Out
Nova Kakhovka, Ukraine
June 6. 2023

Ukraine blamed Russia for explosions at a key dam, which unleashed massive flooding and threatened 80 settlements in what Kyiv says is a last-ditch attempt to derail its counteroffensive.

In a statement, Ukraine's Southern Operational Command said "Russian occupation troops blew up the dam" at Nova Kakhovka, in the Kherson region in eastern Ukraine.

EU and Ukrainian politicians have labeled the attack, which could lead to an ecological catastrophe in the region and has raised concerns about safety at the nearby Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, a potential war crime.

Blaming "Russian terrorists," Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Twitter that "the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant dam only confirms for the whole world that they must be expelled from every corner of Ukrainian land." He added that "all services are working," and said he had convened his National Security and Defense Council.

The Soviet-era Nova Kakhovka dam bridges Ukraine's Dnieper River, holding back as much as 18 cubic kilometers of water — equivalent to Utah's Great Salt Lake. Nova Kakhovka also supplies water to the Crimean peninsula, which Russia illegally annexed in 2014. The dam serves as one of three major crossings along the Dnieper.

The operator of the plant, Ukrainian state-owned Ukrhydroenergo, confirmed in a statement that “as a result of blasts in the machine hall, the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station is completely destroyed. It is not recoverable.”

The International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed its “experts at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant are closely monitoring the situation.” But the agency assured that there is “no immediate nuclear safety risk at the plant.”

The Russian-installed mayor of Nova Kakhovka, Vladimir Leontiev, denied allegations the dam had been sabotaged by the Kremlin's forces and claimed Ukraine was responsible for the damage, according to Russian state media. Leontiev did not provide any evidence for his claims.

In October, Zelenskyy claimed Russia had mined the dam in his address to the European Council, and called for international observers to be sent to the power plant. At the time, Zelenskyy said Ukraine was expecting Russia “to carry out a terrorist attack and blame Ukraine for it."

In November, after Kyiv’s troops launched a major counteroffensive, Russian forces blew up the sluice gates at the Nova Kakhovka dam in an apparent effort to slow the advance.

Andrii Yermak, the head of the office of the Ukrainian president, said in a tweet on Tuesday that it would be in Russia's interests to blow up the dam now in order to stop Kyiv's expected counteroffensive. Ukraine's forces are expected to rely heavily on tanks this summer, and warm, dry weather is key for their success on the battlefield. Tanks, as well as other heavy machinery, struggle in muddy ground and water.

"The destruction of civilian infrastructure clearly qualifies as a war crime — and we will hold Russia and its proxies accountable," Michel tweeted.

Dams are granted special protection under international humanitarian law, as they contain “dangerous forces” that can inflict huge damage on civilian populations. “International humanitarian law can offer crucial protection,” said Ariane Bauer, Eurasia director for the International Committee of the Red Cross, “but only if states respect their legal obligations.”

Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said Russia is “inflicting probably Europe’s largest technological disaster in decades and putting thousands of civilians at risk,” adding it could constitute a “heinous war crime.”

At the same time as the dam was destroyed early Tuesday, Russia launched a massive missile attack on Ukraine. The country's air defense forces reported shooting down all 35 cruise missiles launched by Russia, most aimed at the capital, Kyiv.


Vids can be viewed here.

Dam map - Ukraine.jpg

Nova Kakhovka hydro-electric dam - undated.jpg

3. Russian troops guarding entrance to dam. 2022.
Russian soldiers at Ukraine dam - 2022.jpg
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Forum Veteran

Is a pussy fucking move. They started shit that they couldn't end, and now targeting soft targets like a bunch of weak-willed terrorists tthat only affect civilians and not the actual enemy military.

Russians can't go toe-to-toe with a modern nation-state. It's like hitting below the belt in a boxing match that you called to have in the first place!

Don't start shit you can't finish.


Constantly laughing at the world

Is a pussy fucking move. They started shit that they couldn't end, and now targeting soft targets like a bunch of weak-willed terrorists tthat only affect civilians and not the actual enemy military.

Russians can't go toe-to-toe with a modern nation-state. It's like hitting below the belt in a boxing match that you called to have in the first place!

Don't start shit you can't finish.
It's only the people who misunderstand the true history of this entire conflict that think it was somehow unprovoked. You can go back as far as 1991 if you could be bothered turning off the propaganda news such as CNN, who will proudly have people believe the war began two years ago by a so called Madman.
What makes you think Russia started this whole thing? moreover .. what makes you think Russia can't finish it ! that is so simple minded.


Forum Veteran
It's only the people who misunderstand the true history of this entire conflict that think it was somehow unprovoked. You can go back as far as 1991 if you could be bothered turning off the propaganda news such as CNN, who will proudly have people believe the war began two years ago by a so called Madman.
What makes you think Russia started this whole thing? moreover .. what makes you think Russia can't finish it ! that is so simple minded.
Why is CNN always you peoples' go-to, as if that's the only source democrats ever pay any attention to?

I'm going to launch into a little bit of an essay here:

Fox News has always claimed to be "the most watched," and "the most trusted news source."

They aren't wrong when they claim to be "the most watched."

Why have their ratings always traditionally been at the top?

Because it's one of the very few sources conservative pay attention to. And just because conservatives do one thing(only pay attention to one source), they think that's exactly what liberals do: only pay attention to one or two sources!

But it's more like this:

45% of our voters are solid Republican voters. Damn near 45% of our voters almost exclusively pay attention to Fox News. There are a few other sources they also pay attention to: Newsmax, Breitbart, etc. But they don't get nearly the amount of viewership that Fox does, and compared to Newsmax and Breitbart, Fox really IS "reliable." (Newsmax and Breitbart of complete dumpster fires of trash. At least Fox can be right twice a day.)

About 51% of American voters are solid Democrat voters. But liberals and Democrats almost evenly split their attention between CNN, MSNBC, NPR, BBC, Reuters, and many many others.

Anyway, my point is, you have Democrats and.liberals.completely wrong everytime you bring up CNN. Personally, I do t even HAVE cable television. And haven't in well over a decade! It's the 21st century now. Cable sucks, full of commercials that you pay over a hundred bucks a month to watch. Fuck. That!

No. I'm an avid history geek, and am a regular member of Paradox Interactive forums. Don't know what that is, look up Europa Universalis. Why does this matter?

The Paradox titles are for history and political science geeks. Their forums have a lot of "off-topic" discussions. (Off topic, meaning not having to do with any Paradox games. Basically, current events and history.)

Now, I posted all of this by way of introduction. I hadn't even gotten to the part about the right wing Russian propaganda lie that NATO somehow commanded the Russian armed forces to invade a modern European country. An utterly fucking ridiculous claim.


Let It All Bleed Out

Russian shelling hits flood-hit Kherson after Zelensky visit, says Ukraine​

June 8, 2023

Nine people were injured Thursday in Russian shelling in the Kherson region as it deals with massive flooding from the destruction of the Kakhovka dam, according to Ukrainian officials. The attacks came shortly after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited Kherson. Moscow meanwhile accused Ukraine of killing two people at an evacuation point in the Russian-controlled side of the Dnipro River. All times are Paris time (GMT+2).

- 5:07pm: 'Incoming shells' hit Kherson’s Shipbuilders Square, a major evacuation point

FRANCE 24’s Gulliver Cragg, who was reporting in flood-hit Kherson when the shelling occurred earlier Thursday said one of the incoming rockets “hit at or near the Shipbuilders Square”.

Kherson City’s Shipbuilders Square is “one of two places where volunteers have been going in and out of the water with their boats to go and rescue people and animals from the flooded parts of the city”, Cragg explained.

- 2:13pm: Ukraine reports deaths in Russian shelling of flood-hit Kherson

Ukraine said Thursday that people had been killed in Russian shelling of the Kherson city centre, as the region deals with massive flooding from the destruction of a dam in Russian-held territory.

"There are some civilians wounded and dead as a result of Russian shelling in the centre of Kherson, the number is being clarified," military spokesman Sergiy Sergeyev told AFP.

- 1:41pm: Kherson governor says Russian forces shelling city

Russian forces shelled the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson and nearby coastal areas on Thursday, the regional governor said on Thursday.

Governor Oleksandr Prokudin made the remark on the Telegram messaging app as emergency workers tried to evacuate people following flooding caused by the destruction of the nearby Kakhovka dam on Tuesday.

A Reuters reporter in Kherson said he could hear what appeared to be artillery fire but was unable immediately to provide any details of the circumstances. Russia has accused Ukrainian forces of shelling rescue workers in Russian-occupied parts of the Kherson region.

- 1:16pm: Russia says Ukrainian shelling killed two evacuees in flood zone

Russia said Thursday that Ukrainian strikes killed two people at an evacuation point for civilians from the Kherson region, which was flooded after a dam in Russian-held territory was destroyed.

"Fighters from the Kyiv regime committed a heinous crime. They shelled a civilian evacuation point in Gola Prystan. Two people were killed, including a 33-year-old pregnant woman. Two more people were wounded," the Moscow-installed head of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, said on Telegram.

- 1:15pm: Ukraine says it could lose millions of tonnes of crops after dam collapse

Ukraine could lose several million tonnes of crops because of flooding caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in the southern part of the country, the Ukrainian agriculture ministry said on Thursday.

"Without a source of water supply, it is impossible to grow vegetables. Grain and oilseeds will be grown using an extensive model with low yields," the ministry said in a statement.

- 1:11pm: Ukraine says flooding forces Russian retreat in Kherson region

Flooding caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in southern Ukraine has forced Russian troops to retreat by distances of five to 15 km (three to nine miles) in the Kherson region, a military spokesperson said.

Natalia Humeniuk, spokeswoman for Ukraine's southern command, told Ukrainian television the redeployment had "practically halved" Russian shelling in the region.

Reuters could not independently verify the battlefield situation. Russia did not immediately comment.

- 1:09pm: Ukraine says grandfather, father, grandson killed in Russian strike

Three generations of one family – a grandfather, father and grandson – were killed by Russian shelling in eastern Ukraine, police said Thursday.

"Russian troops shelled the Ukrainsk residential sector with artillery. A four-year-old boy, his father and grandfather were killed," the police said on social media, adding that four more children aged between three and 13 and an adult were injured.

- 12:56: Kherson residents flee after collapsed Kakhovka dam floods homes

Hundreds of people were evacuated from settlements along the southern stretch of Ukraine's Dnipro river on Tuesday after water burst through the breached Nova Kakhovka dam, submerging streets, homes and town squares further downstream. FRANCE 24's Gulliver Cragg reports from Kherson, Ukraine.

- 11:30am: Russia tells UN top court Ukraine attacked dam with artillery

Moscow accused Kyiv at the UN's top court Thursday of destroying a dam in Russian-held southern Ukraine with "massive" artillery strikes, rejecting Ukraine's claims that Russia was responsible.

"The Kyiv regime not only launched massive artillery attacks against the dam on the night of June 6, but it also deliberately raised the water level of the Kakhovka reservoir to a critical level" beforehand, Russian diplomat Alexander Shulgin told the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague.

- 10:40am: Zelensky visits flooded region of Kherson

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited the flood-hit southern region of Kherson on Thursday as evacuations continued after the destruction of a major Russian-held dam on the front line.

Zelensky said he held a "working trip to Kherson region" where he discussed the "evacuation of the population from potential flood zones, elimination of the emergency caused by the dam explosion, (and the) organisation of life support for the flooded areas".

Zelensky praised the efforts from rescuers and volunteers who were continuing to evacuate residents from the Kherson region.

"In Kherson, I visited a crossing point where people are being evacuated from flooded areas. Our task is to protect lives and help people as much as possible. I thank the rescuers and volunteers! I thank everyone involved in this work!" Zelensky said.

- 10:35pm: Dam destruction increases mine threat, says Red Cross

The destruction of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine will have a catastrophic effect on locating landmines in the affected region, the Red Cross warned Wednesday.

"We knew where the hazards were," said Erik Tollefsen, head of the Weapon Contamination Unit at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). "Now we don't know. All we know is that they are somewhere downstream."

"This is a major concern because it will affect not just the population, but also all of those that are coming in to help," he added.

The ICRC had spent several months helping mine clearance operations in Ukraine, mapping and marking minefields and providing training and equipment, said Tollefsen.

"Now all of that has been washed away."



Revolt Against the Modern World
This reminds me an Aldous Huxley quote: "“Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly – they’ll go through anything. You read and you’re pierced.”

Since this war began, it seems that Chekhov's, Tolstoy's, Gogol, Dostoevsky and Gorky's countrymen have had something of a brain stroke. Because they are willing to destroy the infrastructures that are under their control.

And I will mention an example, if I remember correctly it was the Russians who were bombing the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia, isn't that right?
If you have a vital infrastructure in the territory you claim is yours, it is under your control, what is the reason behind it?
When the russians withdrew from Kherson, (a Russian city despite being in the west of the river), because at the time it had no strategic value and there was a fear that the Ukrainians would blow up the said dam , it was considered a russian defeat, they were even accused of "kidnapping" the population to the russian side. Now with this mysterious explosion and subsequent disgrace where the east side has been most affected, it's the Russians once again.
The missile that fell in Poland, were the Russians, until it was proven that they were not, until today there is no apology from Zelensky or his friends from the television company who occupy strategic positions in the government to Poland. The level of arrogance has no limits and Poland has been the country that is helping Ukraine since the start.

Nordstream, russians again, so the Russians blew up their own multi-billion dollar infrastructure, where all you had to do was turn off the valve. The story was so ridiculous, at least in Europe no one believed it, now it was the Ukrainians, as if they had the means to burst a pipeline protected by many tons of concrete.

This goes beyond the brain stroke, this is mental paralysis....fucking orcs.
Adam Sandler Laughing.gif

Why is CNN always you peoples' go-to, as if that's the only source democrats ever pay any attention to?

I'm going to launch into a little bit of an essay here:

Fox News has always claimed to be "the most watched," and "the most trusted news source."

They aren't wrong when they claim to be "the most watched."

Why have their ratings always traditionally been at the top?

Because it's one of the very few sources conservative pay attention to. And just because conservatives do one thing(only pay attention to one source), they think that's exactly what liberals do: only pay attention to one or two sources!

But it's more like this:

45% of our voters are solid Republican voters. Damn near 45% of our voters almost exclusively pay attention to Fox News. There are a few other sources they also pay attention to: Newsmax, Breitbart, etc. But they don't get nearly the amount of viewership that Fox does, and compared to Newsmax and Breitbart, Fox really IS "reliable." (Newsmax and Breitbart of complete dumpster fires of trash. At least Fox can be right twice a day.)

About 51% of American voters are solid Democrat voters. But liberals and Democrats almost evenly split their attention between CNN, MSNBC, NPR, BBC, Reuters, and many many others.

Anyway, my point is, you have Democrats and.liberals.completely wrong everytime you bring up CNN. Personally, I do t even HAVE cable television. And haven't in well over a decade! It's the 21st century now. Cable sucks, full of commercials that you pay over a hundred bucks a month to watch. Fuck. That!

No. I'm an avid history geek, and am a regular member of Paradox Interactive forums. Don't know what that is, look up Europa Universalis. Why does this matter?

The Paradox titles are for history and political science geeks. Their forums have a lot of "off-topic" discussions. (Off topic, meaning not having to do with any Paradox games. Basically, current events and history.)

Now, I posted all of this by way of introduction. I hadn't even gotten to the part about the right wing Russian propaganda lie that NATO somehow commanded the Russian armed forces to invade a modern European country. An utterly fucking ridiculous claim.
You are an anecdote, you learned places in Asia because of Activision's Call of Duty, like you told me once, now you are saying that you are an avid history geek because you are member of a forum and guess what they make videogames too. Wow, now i understand why you said U.S. won the Afghan War, Bin Laden and shit. You are an avid idiot.
Did you ever left home? Wait you went to Italy once, perhaps you had a capuccino and you think you know something about italians.
In my country there is an a expression for people like you: "Straw for Donkeys" - a loudmouth and liar.
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