US Soldiers Killed: Apr 4/12 (5 Viewers)

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Let It All Bleed Out
Afghan bomb kills at least 10, including 3 US GIs
By AMIR SHAH, Associated Press
April 4, 2012

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A suicide bomber on a motorcycle killed at least 10 people, including three American soldiers, at a park in a relatively peaceful area of northern Afghanistan on Wednesday, part of an increase in violence at the start of the spring fighting season.

Set 1.

1. Shortly after the blast, dead and wounded US soldiers amongst Afghan police.

2. US reinforcements move in to help fellow soldiers while an Afghan soldier tries to carry a wounded or dead comrade out of the area.

3. US soldier looks directly at an Afghan man using his video camera.

4. The US soldier instructs the Afghan video dude to move away.



Let It All Bleed Out
Associated Press video footage of the scene of the attack shows what appear to be dead Afghan civilians, police and foreign troops. Body parts are strewn around the gate and on the ground, which is spattered with blood.

In a statement on their Web site, the Afghan Taliban claimed killing 16 coalition troops and 12 Afghans in the Faryab suicide attack.

Set 2.

5. An Afghan police and civilian help to carry a dead or wounded US soldier.

6. The area where the suicide bomber detonated his explosives. Dead and wounded US soldiers lie on the ground to the left of the picture.

7. Afghans help evac dead/wounded US soldiers.

8. Wounded/dead Afghan soldiers are loaded in to a pickup truck.

9. An Afghan carries a dead or wounded civilian away from the bombing scene. A man's shattered body lied at the fence in the lower left corner of the photo.


Let It All Bleed Out
And a short video of the incident, probably shot by the Afghan dude that the US soldier was yelling at.

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Nice set of photos.
Recently they've banned motorcycles because of the rate of insurgents that use them; in retaliation they believe that's why a few school's have been poisoned very recently.


Let It All Bleed Out
pic 4 set 1. That dude is fucked up. Folded in half. Wonder what that yellow shit is.
It all seems to be concentrated near his upper body. His boot is clear and has some yellow on it as well. But I have no idea what the yellow is.
paint? crap from smoke grenade?
Good point, yabaw. I wonder if it could be from a smoke grenade that the soldier had clipped to his upper harness straps. It's possible that shrapnel penetrated the grenade's metal body and the coloured mixture spilled out. It wouldn't have exploded because the pin hadn't been pulled and the started mixture wasn't able to be activated. The M18's do come in yellow, along with red, green, and violet.
The ROE are fucked up now, that even if we feel threatened we can't engage as fast as we would, everyone herka derka with a cellphone within a 50 meter radius should have been shot.


Aggressively passive amd recklessly impulsive....
My step father (very much my dad) is over there right now for the 6th time since '02. He is currently stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso,TX. He was also in Desert Storm. Been in just over 20yrs. He loves what he does and handles it like a god. He is currently in Alfganistan until March (left again in May). Just over a month ago,6 NATO troops were killed there on a mission. Every one of them was from Fort Bliss =( War sucks,it does. But sometimes it's necessary. Unless your there,you really have no idea what these boys go through,many of them just out of high school. Gotta support your troops,man. Whether you agree with the war or reasons they're there,you've gotta stand behind them and tell them thanks for doing what they do so people like us can enjoy our lives. These pictures are heartbreaking.


Mardukra fuck you. I've done tours there (3 Iraq/4 Afghanistan). What the fuck have you done? Sit on your ass and bitched about everything? I dare your bitch ass to say that to the face of a military member who lost a friend. You're no better than those westboro baptist ass wipes. Hell come say that shit to MY face, I lost 8 good brothers over there and every day their passing weighs on me as I was the one who tried to save them as I was their Corpsman. Come say that shit to my face you pussy ass mother fucker.