disaster Villagers Drown Trying To Cross Flooded River (1 Viewer)

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What in the I can't swim is going on here? One person goes over the waterfall so two dumbasses try to save them by jumping in the rapids also. That's not how it works fellas. You have to grab a vine or a limb or an old tree trunk. Those falls rollover the water like a suction device. You get stuck and then it's only a matter of time before you get tired. To swim out you have to swim to the bottom and then pull yourself along the rocks until you are free. Hope you can hold your breath.


certified silly fella
The Ford F-510 is a typo for an F-150. :lulz:
Yes.. It was definitely a typo. I'm totally not a time traveller. I totally did not violate an intergalactic protocol just then.