isis Warning Dead kids / Collateral damage (2 Viewers)

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We are Kings
Here's some kids blown up by a drone.

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i'm glad the isis magazine has been deleted a bit worrying otherwise. I wish religion didn't kill kids.


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Drone attacks, you think drone attacks are religion? This is what your tax $ buy, this is the US doing this, even if not by drone, in Libya just like everywhere else, THE US PAYS PEOPLE TO STIR UP SHIT, BECOME REBELS, WE ARM THEM, THEN THE LOCAL MILITARY GETS INVOLVED, AND THEN WE SEND IN FORCES OF OUR OWN TO STIR UP EVEN MORE TROUBLE, THE APATHY OF THE PEOPLE IS KILLING ME, DO SOME RESEARCH, ISIS IS CIA FUNDED!!!!!


*I Squirt Blonde*
Drone attacks, you think drone attacks are religion? This is what your tax $ buy, this is the US doing this, even if not by drone, in Libya just like everywhere else, THE US PAYS PEOPLE TO STIR UP SHIT, BECOME REBELS, WE ARM THEM, THEN THE LOCAL MILITARY GETS INVOLVED, AND THEN WE SEND IN FORCES OF OUR OWN TO STIR UP EVEN MORE TROUBLE, THE APATHY OF THE PEOPLE IS KILLING ME, DO SOME RESEARCH, ISIS IS CIA FUNDED!!!!!
Post the proof that the CIA funds ISIS.


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i have no idea why it is my job, it is a simple Google search!
According a document recently released by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, now the Islamic State, is an intelligence asset.
The NSA document reveals the United States, Israel, and Britain are responsible for the creation of ISIS.

Earlier this month Nabil Na’eem, the founder of the Islamic Democratic Jihad Party and former top al-Qaeda commander, told the Beirut-based pan-Arab TV station al-Maydeen all current al-Qaeda affiliates, including ISIS, work for the CIA.

ISIS is a well-armed and trained terrorist group now in control of large areas of Iraq and Syria.

The NSA document states the group was established by U.S., British and Israeli intelligence as part of a strategy dubbed “the hornet’s nest” to draw Islamic militants from around the world to Syria. Israeli Secret Intelligence Service?
What Internet Provider Service is allowing them to post videos and issue 'recruitment' tweets? How did the all-intrusive NSA miss the creation of this group? Why can't the CIA. MI6 and Mossad infiltrate them and smash them from within? Why can't we pinpoint them via satellite and smash them in their tents or barracks? How did such a formidable force like ISIS just seem to materialize out of nowhere and overnight? Why don't they attack or even threaten to attack Israel?

Does the following quote from the Slimes piece make any sense to you?

"But Western intelligence services are also worried about their extraordinary command of seemingly less lethal weapons: state-of-the-art videos, ground images shot from drones and multilingual Twitter messages."

If ISIS is indeed "using every contemporary mode of messaging to recruit fighters", as the article says, then why not answer their want ads and infest their ranks with undercover Arab agents? Then simply follow them to their lair, and destroy them. What is so difficult here?

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Wayne Kerr

a fuck off is always acceptable*
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wow, thats even far out there for me. we do have a history of destabilizing regions if theres money to be made. like the oil rich middle east and the narco rich central/south america. cia funding isis? :lol: