animals *Warning* London Police Shoot Dog And Tazer Man (2 Viewers)

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If it's true the dogs had attacked someone before this incident there really isn't much else the police could've done, even if they brought these dogs under control they would've been put down anyway.

It's a shame they couldn't shoot the tramp, everything that happened there was his fault.


If this is the same incident I was reading about, those two dogs had just mauled a woman, sad that they had to be killed like that.
Fucking scummy police.
Wait....they mauled a woman but “its sad they had to be killed like that”
What the fuck are you on about mate?
If that is true that’s the best out come for everyone involved. Lived in England for four years that’s a white basketball Engrunder if I’ve ever seen one


The dumb bitch who said they just barked at the officers... Umm.. No. The man was holding back the very stressed out dogs who were very anxious and on the aggressive side... He then let one of the dogs go and said.... Well go on then... The dog then lunged at the officers. He was unable to keep calm under stress which led to him making a few really dumb decisions that in the end got his dogs killed. Nothing sexier than a man who has no control over his emotions and is more tempermental than a 13 yr old girl on her period. Lmao smh