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Photos of allegedly victims from the women's battalion of the Armenian Armed Forces in Nagorno-Karabakh



Fresh Meat
Women at a man's job... They should have stayd in the kitchen to do what they are ment to do.
Know whats funny, theres plenty of footage and pics of kurdish women slaughtering ISIS MEN. A woman, killing a man, in combat. Thats something your obviously incapable of believing. Look up the YPG, those women kill men all the fuckin time. In fcat Terrorists are terrified of being killed by a woman in combat, because they wont reach paradise if they get killed by a woman.


Well Known Member
like the tit shot was necessary and like the other died with her finger in her mouth, immature posing of women soldiers by dick tiny boys…


you can kinda tell they raped them too before killing them, well that type of end comes when you holding a gun as someone said up there they should have stayed in the kitchen !!
You can kinda tell you are a fucking imbecile because nothing in those corpses tell you shit about them being raped or not.. indeed, they dont look much as they were raped, more likely were hit by artillery, which is how 80% of people in a battlefield dies. You are so edgy man.. you can kinda tell you were raped when a little kid.. this last phrase is as retarded as the one of yours... Fucking idiot. Not even the girl with the clothes totally destroyed and her boobs showing looks like she was raped.. perhaps in your fantasy you believe human hands can destroy fabric just like explosions.. but that is not the case... Now go and get a cold shower, those boobies are showing naturally, as natural as an artillery shell can be....
Gimme a fuckin break.... please...... those skanks ain't shit..... the pics prove it, you hen pecke

Israeli women soldiers? And of course those animals over there cut their clothes open they just couldn’t help themselves
If you talk about the boob's shot.. that was not cut open by anyone.. those clothes were destroyed by an explosion.. Yeah, this kind of "freak ocurrences" happen all the time in war, clothes getting totally destroyed while the flesh behind it looks relatively intact.. No human hands can leave fabric looking like that....
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