Minneapolis,Black man killed by cop (2 Viewers)

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R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
kneel on his neck during 3 min., what a horrible death. If i was there, for sure i said to cop stop it! You are killing him!!
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We are Kings
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First, Last & Always
That cop is going to get charged with manslaughter. All four got fired, but the guy who did it is going to get charged. The Mayor actually asked the DA to charge him. That never happens.

I don't see how any defense attorney can get him out of a jail sentence.

There's no legal use of a necklock like that in police protocol.


Drives backwards

It's exactly the same, but totally different
We'll next be hearing from Ward as to how these cops did what they are supposed to do, etc. Along with how bad this black man was. He who is SO perfect in all ways will one day face this corruption head on and regret his words.

Cops are, as so many others have also stated, THE VERY WORST GANG out there! The code of silence, the backing by government, the right to kill with absolutely no fear of recrimination! Just what keeps a cop from killing! I've seen them shoot pet dogs for Christ's sake!! My father AND brother, both cops! I KNOW what I'm talking about!! I lived with what cops do and think is funny!!

Anyway, nothing will ever be done to these cops for this. They will all get jobs as cops in another town! And pats on the back by other cops! Until they are actually held responsible in the same way we as civilians are, there will never be change!

It's a job! That's all it should be! But they have a self-sustained image of being heros and there for above all others! It's a phuking job!! You aren't God, the court or better than me!! I did work just as important as you "officer"!! Hell, a phuking trashman is more important than the average cop!!

Just my opinion.


This user was banned
He'll be lucky if he doesn't get lynched tonight. His personal info came out this morning and there's several hundred people camped outside his home.

The protesters are rioting and looting at this moment and the police aren't doing a very good job of fending them off, they've breached the precinct as well. Rioting in Minnesota, who would have thought it.


We'll next be hearing from Ward as to how these cops did what they are supposed to do, etc. Along with how bad this black man was. He who is SO perfect in all ways will one day face this corruption head on and regret his words.

Cops are, as so many others have also stated, THE VERY WORST GANG out there! The code of silence, the backing by government, the right to kill with absolutely no fear of recrimination! Just what keeps a cop from killing! I've seen them shoot pet dogs for Christ's sake!! My father AND brother, both cops! I KNOW what I'm talking about!! I lived with what cops do and think is funny!!

Anyway, nothing will ever be done to these cops for this. They will all get jobs as cops in another town! And pats on the back by other cops! Until they are actually held responsible in the same way we as civilians are, there will never be change!

It's a job! That's all it should be! But they have a self-sustained image of being heros and there for above all others! It's a phuking job!! You aren't God, the court or better than me!! I did work just as important as you "officer"!! Hell, a phuking trashman is more important than the average cop!!

Just my opinion.
Damn straight. 👍