accident Idiot dives head first into shallow water (1 Viewer)

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Personal and national security aficionado.
You would be amazed how many people break their necks every year doing stuff similar to this. I used to know a guy who did something very similar to this when he was a teenager and now he is in one of those electric wheel chairs with his legs completely paralyzed and his arms and hands partially paralyzed. He also has a urinary catheter, a drainage bag, and occasional infections that come with this type of device.

One dumb mistake in your youth and you will be paying for it for the rest of your life.
Nice cure for stupid lol
That guy I used to know is still pretty dumb. The injury did not cure him. Time can sometimes "cure stupid", but even that is rare.


Uppity cunt
I can translate this

First guy: Sanjeet what are you doing
Sanjeet : Im going to have a wash
First guy: You idiot you're Indian were allergic to water
Sanjeet; Im sure thats a myth my peener smells so strongly of wee and cumin im going in
Guy 2: Mans a fucking idiot doesnt he know we cant wash

Sanjeet dives in

First guy: Oops yeah I told you so


Lurking Lurker
I'm guessing a career in competitive swimming wasn't in dude's future.
One of the first things you learn is how to dive into the water from a block as shallowly as possible.

Dumbass committed to that dive 200% as if he was going in to touch the bottom of a 12ft deep pool.
And His friend just standing on the bank watching him bob face-down in the water is as worthless as Tits on a Nun.

Chances are good None of these water adventurers knew how to actually swim


I can translate this

First guy: Sanjeet what are you doing
Sanjeet : Im going to have a wash
First guy: You idiot you're Indian were allergic to water
Sanjeet; Im sure thats a myth my peener smells so strongly of wee and cumin im going in
Guy 2: Mans a fucking idiot doesnt he know we cant wash

Sanjeet dives in

First guy: Oops yeah I told you so


Female Butt Inspector
I nearly did this on a family trip in Cancun, it was a shallow pool and I intended to do a shallow dive anyway, but didn't realize small depth or the "no diving" sign. I came inches from the bottom, and felt dumb after, but very lucky too. I've had quite many close scrapes.