murder Death penalty (1 Viewer)

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Why so serious? The Devil ate my bannana
So the other night there was a group of us debating over the death penalty in the states and which state does and does not have it anymore. But then it became a deeper conversation because it got on to the morals of right and wrong. If you are sentencing a fellow human to death for his or her crimes does that not make the judicial system a murderer also as they are carrying out exactly what that person has just carried out with the same intention to end another life. Yet they are justifying that it is the right thing to do under the law to take another life as they have restricted someone of their life. So technically using the law to cover up a crime and then justify it, When instead of just restricting their life by locking them up for the rest of theirs so that they would never see freedom again would be a more moral act to carry out.

I would like to see others' points on this as neither side of our debate could justify the cause and the means, Are we simply overthinking the whole process, or do you see it in the same way.


So the other night there was a group of us debating over the death penalty in the states and which state does and does not have it anymore. But then it became a deeper conversation because it got on to the morals of right and wrong. If you are sentencing a fellow human to death for his or her crimes does that not make the judicial system a murderer also as they are carrying out exactly what that person has just carried out with the same intention to end another life. Yet they are justifying that it is the right thing to do under the law to take another life as they have restricted someone of their life. So technically using the law to cover up a crime and then justify it, When instead of just restricting their life by locking them up for the rest of theirs so that they would never see freedom again would be a more moral act to carry out.

I would like to see others' points on this as neither side of our debate could justify the cause and the means, Are we simply overthinking the whole process, or do you see it in the same way.
I understand where you're coming from @Tattooedmaniac. There are probably circumstances where a life of imprisonment would be more fitting than execution. Personally I think execution should benefit the human gene pool. Eliminating those who posses inferior genetic personality traits [notably gingers], would greatly benefit civilization as we know it.
Those born possessing flagged genetic markers, could undergo lobotomies for the sake of organ donation and testing.


Forum Veteran
I agree with the death penalty in instances where the offender is violent and would still pose a threat to others in prison or after they got out. convicted rapists, pedophiles, and murderers (with some exceptions to the latter) should pretty much all be taken out.


The number of people who have been exonerated after spending half their life on death row just freaks me out.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think I’m a pussy for suggesting that the death penalty might be a problem. I don’t think that prison is for rehabilitation. Nor do I think the death penalty is an effective deterrent for others. I honestly don’t give a shit about the other people. Prison and the death penalty or a punishment for the asshole who fucked up in the first place.

Just as a personal thought, not any real suggestion on how to run things… But if someone has been convicted of an extraordinarily heinous crime, they’ve lost their privilege of existing with the rest of society, including fellow prisoners. I’ll leave it up to you to figure out what those crimes are.

But I’m thinking total and complete isolation. Not necessarily locked in a cell 24/7. But I mean no interaction with anyone. No yard time. No working out with fellow convicts. No basketball. During meal time, a tray is left outside the door, then the prison worker leaves. Once the employee is out of the hallway, the button is pressed and the door to the cell is open and the convict can go out and get his meal.

No phone calls. No TV. No Internet. No newspaper. Alone for the rest of your miserable fucking life.


Retard Extraordinaire
The judicial system is corrupt. Women get lesser sentences for committing the same crimes as men. White men get harsher sentences than niggers. They cannot be trusted to be fair and balanced. If the system was fair I'd be for a death sentence via hanging because it's quick and cheap. I think pedophiles should be castrated before they're hanged. I'd also be for product testing on inmates instead of animals.


Well Known Member
I think the death penalty should be present in all states, and used. It should be carried out as swiftly after conviction as possible to prevent undo burden on the rest of society. Especially on pedophiles and sexual predators.
I wonder if any pedophiles or sexual predators have ever been later proved innocent.