animals Just a couple snakes I found fighting in my driveway (1 Viewer)

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Looks like what is in your video are Black Rat Snakes, non-venomous and they will keep rodents away (as the name suggests).
Yeah they are black rat snakes and I have an abundance of them around here. See them smashed on the road almost every day but I have never seen them fight like that. My guess was they were fighting over territory? Wanted to watch until the end but I got bored and went back inside, left them to settle there beef lol
Very Cool! Thanku 4 the Share! Fkn Badass's!👍🤘🏼🤟🤙...SP
50 years on this planet and have seen a lot of shit but never that lol. My daughters were actually the one's that found them and they ran inside and said dad there are two snakes trying to eat each other outside and I said show me where lol. Pretty fucking game for snakes
can they even hurt each other?
They were bleeding so I am going to say yes lol
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Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
I occasionally see wood pigeons having sex on my fence, or a random badger in my garden at night, but no cool snake fights here in the UK. 😂

Drum n Bass Magpie is our family favourite. It lands on the roof of our kitchen when we have filthy tunes blasting out and struts around like a nutter for ages.


The black one lol
I occasionally see wood pigeons having sex on my fence, or a random badger in my garden at night, but no cool snake fights here in the UK. 😂

Drum n Bass Magpie is our family favourite. It lands on the roof of our kitchen when we have filthy tunes blasting out and struts around like a nutter for ages.
That is too Cool My Friend! 🤘🏼🤟🤙...SP