Everyone is lying (2 Viewers)

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silent ghost
congress..... lol
just something else to take away from trump. (idk i just felt like sayin that,because theyre big trump fans and this admin will do whatever it takes to discredit anyone,and get rid of, who doesnt agree with them).
all news outlets are liars anyway. ran by those 1%,who are also liars and involved in politics and politicians.who by the way,themselves are liars. fucking politicians. :rolleyes:


卐 People Hater 卐
Whatā€™s so bad about killing gay people? Sounds like these leftists think thereā€™s no more freedom of speech in America. Soon youā€™ll have it like in Germany. If you say ā€œfucking niggerā€ or ā€œfucking jewā€, youā€™ll get legal problems. Itā€™s a shame. Hang a flag with a swastika on your wall and youā€™ll be punished! I donā€™t think thatā€™s freedom.


King Of Athens
Gays killing gays niggers killing niggers and somehow itā€™s the white mans fault joe was talking the other day wanting to have a new ā€œassault weapons banā€ to get rid of semi autos šŸ˜‚ he will have to take them from my cold dead hands I have guns for every member of my house hold and we will light you up šŸ’ÆšŸ˜‚
Not gunna sugar coat this.... all manner of politics/government are put in place to control and fuck you.
Do yoh have a Driver's license? A Hunting license? A fishing license?...a fucking passport?
You can't eat or travel without someone FIRST saying its ok for you to do that...after you pay them.
You are not free to do ANYTHING without those, which you must pay for.
Freedom is an illusion. Left, Right.... they both fuck us.
The left is good at lying right to your face, and the Right is good at that too, just they're better at making you swallow the bullshit.


Forum Veteran
Not gunna sugar coat this.... all manner of politics/government are put in place to control and fuck you.
Do yoh have a Driver's license? A Hunting license? A fishing license?...a fucking passport?
You can't eat or travel without someone FIRST saying its ok for you to do that...after you pay them.
You are not free to do ANYTHING without those, which you must pay for.
Freedom is an illusion. Left, Right.... they both fuck us.
The left is good at lying right to your face, and the Right is good at that too, just they're better at making you swallow the bullshit.
Well tell us a lie that the right has recently portrayed. Love to hear it. What b.s is the right making us swallow? Floor is yours bro. Let's hear it.

Venture _Capitalist

situational awareness instructor
Not gunna sugar coat this.... all manner of politics/government are put in place to control and fuck you.
Do yoh have a Driver's license? A Hunting license? A fishing license?...a fucking passport?
You can't eat or travel without someone FIRST saying its ok for you to do that...after you pay them.
You are not free to do ANYTHING without those, which you must pay for.
Freedom is an illusion. Left, Right.... they both fuck us.
The left is good at lying right to your face, and the Right is good at that too, just they're better at making you swallow the bullshit.
republicans - will stab you in the front
democrats - will stab you in the front and back

KapitƤn Ghul'

Look at me go.
congress..... lol
just something else to take away from trump. (idk i just felt like sayin that,because theyre big trump fans and this admin will do whatever it takes to discredit anyone,and get rid of, who doesnt agree with them).
all news outlets are liars anyway. ran by those 1%,who are also liars and involved in politics and politicians.who by the way,themselves are liars. fucking politicians. :rolleyes:
Money and power.


Take no prisoner
This user was banned
Whatā€™s so bad about killing gay people? Sounds like these leftists think thereā€™s no more freedom of speech in America. Soon youā€™ll have it like in Germany. If you say ā€œfucking niggerā€ or ā€œfucking jewā€, youā€™ll get legal problems. Itā€™s a shame. Hang a flag with a swastika on your wall and youā€™ll be punished! I donā€™t think thatā€™s freedom.
Nobody should ever be punished for the pride of a Hakenkreuz ;)

No different than "Organized Crime" these thugs wear suits too. It's money and empowerment,with the left.


Forum Veteran
Stolen election. Duh.
Oh you mean the election was stolen from the right, with all those miscounted ballots and mail in ballots from dead people and people over seas? Is that the stolen election you were talking about? That Biden had more votes than any president ever? šŸ˜‚ if you believe the right stole anything then I got some ocean front property in the Sahara desert for sale for you for cheap.

Anything that comes from a mainstream news source.. or any news source is b.s. In fact, if you didn't make it up yourself, it's not true.
Not everything on mainstream news is fake. They can't lie about everything then no one would watch it. They switch they narrative, and lie when they can. They mostly twist and distort the truth rather than blatantly lie. Thats why they don't talk about the hunter Biden laptop and the money he was getting from russian and not reporting it on his taxes. They can't lie about that so they just avoid talking about it.


the sand in your vagina
Oh you mean the election was stolen from the right, with all those miscounted ballots and mail in ballots from dead people and people over seas? Is that the stolen election you were talking about? That Biden had more votes than any president ever? šŸ˜‚ if you believe the right stole anything then I got some ocean front property in the Sahara desert for sale for you for cheap.
First off, no you don't. You don't have property, oceanfront or otherwise, in the Sahara Desert. That's another right wing lie!

Right wing losers that can't believe that they lost a free and fair election is hilarious irony from the self-proclaimed tough guy party of law and order and american democracy.


l e v e l
Oh you mean the election was stolen from the right, with all those miscounted ballots and mail in ballots from dead people and people over seas? Is that the stolen election you were talking about? That Biden had more votes than any president ever? šŸ˜‚ if you believe the right stole anything then I got some ocean front property in the Sahara desert for sale for you for cheap.

Not everything on mainstream news is fake. They can't lie about everything then no one would watch it. They switch they narrative, and lie when they can. They mostly twist and distort the truth rather than blatantly lie. Thats why they don't talk about the hunter Biden laptop and the money he was getting from russian and not reporting it on his taxes. They can't lie about that so they just avoid talking about it.
You're a true sucker.
No independent thought.


Forum Veteran
First off, no you don't. You don't have property, oceanfront or otherwise, in the Sahara Desert. That's another right wing lie!

Right wing losers that can't believe that they lost a free and fair election is hilarious irony from the self-proclaimed tough guy party of law and order and american democracy.
Uh free and fair? Are you even American? Or are you one of those ones who lives 2 thousand miles away and thinks they know more about the US than the people that live here. And if your from the US and your saying this, then your definitely uneducated and naive. Not to insult you but I'd want to see you know the real truth. It's not about left or right, it's about separating truth from false hood.

You're a true sucker. Lmfao.
The truth requires few words. You're just regurgitating things you don't innerstand.
I didn't even read your words, but I know theyre political and make no sense.
You're the definition of an NPC.
But you can't comprehend what that means,
I'll tell you, it means you're an organic souless being, put here for real folks to learn from.
Well explain the mail in ballots? Or the ballots that were counted multiple times, or the ballots from our soldiers overseas. They were counted towards Biden. That's obvious fraud.

Uh free and fair? Are you even American? Or are you one of those ones who lives 2 thousand miles away and thinks they know more about the US than the people that live here. And if your from the US and your saying this, then your definitely uneducated and naive. Not to insult you but I'd want to see you know the real truth. It's not about left or right, it's about separating truth from false hood.

Well explain the mail in ballots? Or the ballots that were counted multiple times, or the ballots from our soldiers overseas. They were counted towards Biden. That's obvious fraud.
I just want this country to be free and back to the old days where people trusted law enforcement and people didn't feel like our own government was our own worst enemy.
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