This is the 347th video of blacks at Walmart just this year (1 Viewer)

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"Hiro" aka: "Dolly"... the homo britfag dicksucker
Seems to be consistent we so many of one race doing so many crimes or acts of violence or general insanity. While we see mostly whites doing gay insane shit. This needs to stop.

oh stop..... you all love the niggers.... why else would you attempt to educate these monkeys by sending them to college so they can run your country.... lol.... what a fkn joke....
"Chickens coming home to roost" and whatnot.... "they are people too" ... all the typical excuses for ALLOWING these nigs to run wild....
You made your bed, now LAY IN IT.... LOL

It's time to set up the camps and fire up the ovens :rant::rant::ovendisco:
Yeah....too late for that.... WAY too late...
Maybe 50-70 years ago that might've worked.... now THEY make the laws.... IT'S OVER.... THEY ARE YOUR MASTERS NOW...
Trust me, I hate it too, but whites have made excuse after excuse to further their take- over.... NOW you wanna gas them???? Hilarious

This isn't inside a Walmart.... so I don't think it qualifies for the title of the post...


Seems to be consistent we so many of one race doing so many crimes or acts of violence or general insanity. While we see mostly whites doing gay insane shit. This needs to stop.

Run a fucking buggy into the sheboons fat thighs four or five times and see if she don’t stop. Repeat as needed.

pappa stupid

Forum Veteran
Back in the day, when nig's would act up, white boys would wade in amongst them with black jacks billyclubs etc. shit would get straightened out as it should!


Revolt Against the Modern World
Out of control and is getting worst. Watch this segment:

Solomon Kane

And so it begins..
Seems to be consistent we so many of one race doing so many crimes or acts of violence or general insanity. While we see mostly whites doing gay insane shit. This needs to stop.

Don't see this in Canadian walmarts. Must be something in the Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches.


Of course your opinion matters! - just not to me.
:facepalm::spank::facepalm::facepalm:awwwww i love the blacks, err, the black community. I think everyone should own one.

Donald Trump agrees: “There’s my African American over there! “ and “MAGA loves the black people “