Man throws 4-year-old differently-abled son into fire after quarrel with his wife (2 Viewers)

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Cold Ethyl

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In a shocking incident, a man from the east Indian state of Odisha threw his four-year-old differently-abled son into a fire after a quarrel with his wife on Friday, 8 December, night.
According to the police, the man – who belongs to a tribe in the region – was allegedly drunk when he committed the crime in Mangipalli village in Odisha's Malkangiri district, the New Indian Express newspaper reported.
The man reportedly returned home drunk and started quarrelling with his wife. Then, in a fit of rage, he picked up his son who was sitting nearby and threw him into a fire which was being used for cooking food outside the house.
The man reportedly returned home drunk and started quarrelling with his wife. Then, in a fit of rage, he picked up his son who was sitting nearby and threw him into a fire which was being used for cooking food outside the house.
Villagers informed the local Accredited Social Health Activist (Asha) worker about the incident who immediately rushed the boy to the hospital.
The boy is said to have sustained more than 50% burn injuries. However, he is currently out of danger and is responding to treatment, hospital sources said.
Meanwhile, the police are on the lookout for the child's father after he managed to flee from the village.
According to the newspaper, no complaint has been registered with the police in connection with the incident yet.
In a relatively similar incident which took place on 28 November, a Missouri couple allegedly put their four-month-old baby in a microwave and fractured his skull. Derick Boyce-Slezak and wife Mikala, both 22, have been charged with felony abuse or neglect of a child after their baby boy was taken to a hospital with multiple injuries
Man throws 4-year-old differently-abled son into fire after quarrel with his wife

Cold Ethyl

Super Moderator
Super Moderator
I was just going to ask you that.:rollseyes2:
Differently abled was first proposed (in the 1980s) as an alternative to disabled, handicapped, etc. on the grounds that it gave a more positive message and so avoided discrimination towards people with disabilities. The term has gained little currency, however, and has been criticized as both over-euphemistic and condescending. The accepted term in general use is still disabled


guyme91 📦🔓

Kinky weirdo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Differently abled was first proposed (in the 1980s) as an alternative to disabled, handicapped, etc. on the grounds that it gave a more positive message and so avoided discrimination towards people with disabilities. The term has gained little currency, however, and has been criticized as both over-euphemistic and condescending. The accepted term in general use is still disabled


That is nonsense. Both of my parents had polio as children and it left them crippled for like. They never had any problems with the phrase handicapped or disabled and none of their friends ever had problems with it.


In a shocking incident, a man from the east Indian state of Odisha threw his four-year-old differently-abled son into a fire after a quarrel with his wife on Friday, 8 December, night.
According to the police, the man – who belongs to a tribe in the region – was allegedly drunk when he committed the crime in Mangipalli village in Odisha's Malkangiri district, the New Indian Express newspaper reported.
The man reportedly returned home drunk and started quarrelling with his wife. Then, in a fit of rage, he picked up his son who was sitting nearby and threw him into a fire which was being used for cooking food outside the house.
The man reportedly returned home drunk and started quarrelling with his wife. Then, in a fit of rage, he picked up his son who was sitting nearby and threw him into a fire which was being used for cooking food outside the house.
Villagers informed the local Accredited Social Health Activist (Asha) worker about the incident who immediately rushed the boy to the hospital.
The boy is said to have sustained more than 50% burn injuries. However, he is currently out of danger and is responding to treatment, hospital sources said.
Meanwhile, the police are on the lookout for the child's father after he managed to flee from the village.
According to the newspaper, no complaint has been registered with the police in connection with the incident yet.
In a relatively similar incident which took place on 28 November, a Missouri couple allegedly put their four-month-old baby in a microwave and fractured his skull. Derick Boyce-Slezak and wife Mikala, both 22, have been charged with felony abuse or neglect of a child after their baby boy was taken to a hospital with multiple injuries
Man throws 4-year-old differently-abled son into fire after quarrel with his wife
Why the fuck sat DIfFerEnTly AblED when it's easier and gets the point across saying mentally disabled, disabled, retarded
  • You gon get raped
Reactions: HG

Dr. Johnny Fever

aka Bill Murray
Using my patented politically correct to reality translator.....

"Man throws 4-year-old differently-abled son into fire after quarrel with his wife"


"Asshole chucks his waterhead retard into the tandoor oven after scrapping with the old ball and chain"


White is right. Keep the white race pure🫡
In a shocking incident, a man from the east Indian state of Odisha threw his four-year-old differently-abled son into a fire after a quarrel with his wife on Friday, 8 December, night.
According to the police, the man – who belongs to a tribe in the region – was allegedly drunk when he committed the crime in Mangipalli village in Odisha's Malkangiri district, the New Indian Express newspaper reported.
The man reportedly returned home drunk and started quarrelling with his wife. Then, in a fit of rage, he picked up his son who was sitting nearby and threw him into a fire which was being used for cooking food outside the house.
The man reportedly returned home drunk and started quarrelling with his wife. Then, in a fit of rage, he picked up his son who was sitting nearby and threw him into a fire which was being used for cooking food outside the house.
Villagers informed the local Accredited Social Health Activist (Asha) worker about the incident who immediately rushed the boy to the hospital.
The boy is said to have sustained more than 50% burn injuries. However, he is currently out of danger and is responding to treatment, hospital sources said.
Meanwhile, the police are on the lookout for the child's father after he managed to flee from the village.
According to the newspaper, no complaint has been registered with the police in connection with the incident yet.
In a relatively similar incident which took place on 28 November, a Missouri couple allegedly put their four-month-old baby in a microwave and fractured his skull. Derick Boyce-Slezak and wife Mikala, both 22, have been charged with felony abuse or neglect of a child after their baby boy was taken to a hospital with multiple injuries
Man throws 4-year-old differently-abled son into fire after quarrel with his wife
Who cares . One less burden to society


Forum Veteran
Wtf is differently able???
It's the woke term for what would, in the good old days for Downs Syndrome at least, be called Mongolian Idiot.

These days you have to say they have 'different skills', 'different abilities' like smearing themselves with their own excreament.

It's all really lovely. Little Johny is a special boy, and has different abilities, don't you love?
"Groan, groan, fart..."...

"I think little Johny is telling us he needs changing. What a good boy!" etc etc
I think disabled is "offensive" i'm also irritated with this PC bullshit.
That's absolutely AOK.
You just have different abilities is all...