
  1. ThunderCat

    Funny Little complilation of Retards

    Found this little comp. So thought I'd share.
  2. Blood_Sport

    Funny It's Time To Get Down

  3. WatchingDemise

    disaster Paying with his ass for playing with fire

  4. ThE SLiGhT LuNaTiC

    Funny Alcoholism meet swing set

    We can only suspect this is cosmonaut training. Only they know if it was a success or not.
  5. LittleJohn

    accident Motorcycle Race: Two Wipeout And One Wrecked For Being a Doofus

    A Bunch of Retards
  6. D.O.A.

    World Economic Forum 2024

    Featuring two Karen's and bald Hitler
  7. D.O.A.

    disaster Retards on motorcycles

  8. iheartbadmemes

    accident Drunk retard shoots cameraman with crossbow

    The audio in the beginning is coming from the guy shooting the crossbow, and the video is coming from the guy who got hit
  9. Punisher_1

    Crime ANTIFA being faggots again

    I dont know why they are doing this but the cops seem out numbered and low effort.
  10. Sarka

    beatings For donation of 200 hryvnias (5€), Ukrainian streamers inflicted 200 blows on the face of their friend with flippers

  11. D.O.A.

    White House to cool Earth by blocking the sun A research document published on the White House website reveals the Biden administration is open to studying how to block sunlight to save the Earth from climate change. The...
  12. cuntSlayer

    Train invasion by Bangladeshi regards.

  13. D.O.A.

    accident Good luck guys

  14. D.O.A.

    accident Playing with fire

  15. Bloody Kisses

    bizarre Twisted Sister

    Title c/o @MysteryTraveler 🙃
  16. JayZee

    Do you have a DELUSORY IDENTITY? 💥

    Most of the sheep and lemmings we live around use Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and the like to create alter-identities in order to enter a weird and grotesque competition in hopes to win what - I'm not too sure of. But this short video demonstrates why social media is so destructive.
  17. punkduck

    bizarre Boys will be boys - old men being ret*rded - work out 😂

    Friends just having fun.