train accident

  1. LittleJohn

    accident Train Meets Tank

    You cunts fucked up a nice piece of machinery.
  2. LittleJohn

    accident Semi Stuck On Train Tracks

    Seems as if the conductor said, "Fuck this guy” as he stopped soon after which means he wasn’t going that fast as he was approaching the intersection. For once, though, the female driver was smart and backed up to stay clear of flying debris.
  3. LittleJohn

    accident Train Meet Truck. Truck Meet Train.

  4. Monkman777

    Warning:Children How Could He Not See The Train

  5. toxicologist

    animals *Animal Warning* Train hits animals

  6. ZeroK

    accident Women Don't Listen

  7. LittleJohn

    accident Compilation of Pieces of Poo Getting Smashed

    Some, obviously seen here at GG before, however, it’s nice to see a string of them together.
  8. LittleJohn

    accident Train Smashes Into Steel Beam/Cement Girder?

  9. Monkman777

    animals Methane Gas Released After Cow Struck

  10. Monkman777

    disaster Deaf Guy Smacked By Train

  11. Monkman777

    accident Trucks Are Like Train Magnets

  12. Monkman777

    disaster Landslide Derails Train

  13. Monkman777

    disaster His Buddy Got Smoked By Train

  14. Monkman777

    disaster Idiot Trying To Beat Train

  15. Monkman777

    accident Explosive Train/Truck Collision

  16. Monkman777

    disaster Train Smashes Front Loader

  17. Monkman777

    disaster What Was She Thinking

  18. Aaaboutit

    accident Downtown Houston metro versus pedestrian

    Not too gorey but you can see the feet of the guy run over, kinda like the scene in Wizard of Oz when the house falls on the witch. Just a friendly video reminder to look both ways...and to not play with trains...
  19. Monkman777

    disaster Trying To Beat Train

  20. Monkman777

    disaster He A Goner

  21. Monkman777

    accident Couldn't Make It Across

  22. Monkman777

    disaster More Nam Biker Idiots

  23. Monkman777

    disaster Out Just In Time

  24. Monkman777

    accident Train Takes Out Car

  25. Monkman777

    disaster Lada Struck By Train

  26. Monkman777

    disaster Just Couldnt Wait Till It Passes

  27. ZeroK

    disaster Results Of Train Derailment In Ohio

    Happened February 3rd. @Bethy 🔥 Is This Near U?
  28. Monkman777

    disaster Train Slams Into Car

    Happened in Covina, CA. Luckily no fatality reported.
  29. Monkman777

    disaster Train Derailment In Brazil

  30. Monkman777

    disaster Sao Paulo Train Derailment

  31. Monkman777

    disaster Hand Stuck On Train

  32. IExist

    accident Woman handcuffed in police car hit by train

    Fort Lupton, Colorado — Newly released video shows the moment a freight train struck a police patrol vehicle with a 20-year-old woman handcuffed in the back seat. According to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, a Platteville police officer pulled over Maria Rios-Gonzalez in Weld County, near...