A British neonatal nurse convicted of killing 7 babies loses her bid to appeal (1 Viewer)

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I Fucked Your Porsche
LONDON (AP) — A British neonatal nurse who was convicted of murdering seven babies and the attempted murder of six others has lost her bid to appeal.

Lucy Letby, 34, had asked for permission to challenge the verdict after she was convicted and sentenced to life in prison last year. A three-judge panel of Britain’s Court of Appeal heard the case in April and released its decision on Friday.

“Having heard her application, we have decided to refuse leave to appeal on all grounds and refuse all associated applications,″ Judge Victoria Sharp said. “A full judgment will be handed down in due course.”

A jury at Manchester Crown Court had found her guilty of the crimes, which took place between June 2015 and June 2016 at the neonatal unit at the Countess of Chester Hospital in northwestern England.

Most defendants in British court cases don’t have an automatic right to appeal. They must seek permission to appeal on a set of narrowly defined legal issues.



Uppity cunt
It's not just Lucy Letby who is guilty, several people within the NHS also share the blame for allowing her to keep working despite suspicions. Warnings and concerns being raised by colleagues, but hospital management didn't take action. This shows serious problems in the NHS, where failures in communication and reluctance to address issues let Letby continue murdering babies.


Fresh Meat
It's not just Lucy Letby who is guilty, several people within the NHS also share the blame for allowing her to keep working despite suspicions. Warnings and concerns being raised by colleagues, but hospital management didn't take action. This shows serious problems in the NHS, where failures in communication and reluctance to address issues let Letby continue murdering babies.
i agree , everyone working in that division HAD to have known or thought about the fact she maybe could be doing it . babies do die yes but at the rate it was happening made no sense . everyone was careless to the fact and all need some sort of consequence .


I Fucked Your Porsche
It's not just Lucy Letby who is guilty, several people within the NHS also share the blame for allowing her to keep working despite suspicions. Warnings and concerns being raised by colleagues, but hospital management didn't take action. This shows serious problems in the NHS, where failures in communication and reluctance to address issues let Letby continue murdering babies.
Thanks for this. I barely remembered the story but recognized her face & name when I saw it. I'll be looking into this a little deeper just out of curiosity.