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Germans charged with vandalism in Singapore face flogging​


SINGAPORE- Two German men were charged Saturday with breaking into a Singapore metro depot and spray-painting graffiti on a train, offences punishable by jail time and flogging with a cane.

Andreas Von Knorre and Elton Hinz, both 21, were charged at a district court with committing trespass and vandalism in the early hours of November 8.

Both men appeared relaxed as the charges were read to them in German by an interpreter.
Prosecutors told the judge the two men will be remanded in police custody until November 28 "to assist investigations and re-enact the crime scene".
The charge sheets said Van Knorre and Hinz broke into the suburban depot and spray-painted graffiti on the exterior of a metro train cabin. The depot is a restricted zone surrounded by fences topped with barbed wire.

The two men were extradited by neighbouring Malaysia on Friday after being apprehended at Kuala Lumpur International Airport as they were leaving for Australia.

The Straits Times newspaper said in a report Saturday the two men have visas to work in Australia.
For trespassing they face up to two years in jail, a fine of up to $1,000, or both.
For vandalism, they face up to three years in jail or a fine of up to $2,000, and between three and eight strokes of a rattan cane - a punishment dating back to British colonial rule.
Singapore, a leading Asian financial hub, is well-known for its tough stance on crime.
The city-state's vandalism laws became global news in 1994 when an American teenager, Michael Fay, was caned for damaging cars and public property despite appeals for clemency from the US government.
In 2010, Swiss expatriate Oliver Fricker was sentenced to seven months in jail and three strokes of the cane for vandalising a train at a depot in the city-state.
Caning entails being whipped with a rattan stick on the back of the thigh below the buttocks, which can split the skin and leave lasting scars.

The rattan opens up on striking and pinches skin as the pressure reduces and it closes again, cutting the skin. Fuck these two fucks though, they will get the butt hurts. They will get the butt hurts real bad...


Well Known Member
Singapore and Malaysia get into this kind of stuff.

Sometimes you get sentenced to so many strokes you have to stop the session for a few months to allow it to heal before strapping on the protective gear and getting tied up for more.

Must be nice to be in hospital thinking about the next session...
Looks like I had better behave then as I am going to Malaysia in 3 months and that looks very painful.


Forum Veteran
Looks like I had better behave then as I am going to Malaysia in 3 months and that looks very painful.
Malaysia is nice really, but has real systemic racism, not the BS as claimed by BLM.

A Malay is only allowed to sell land to another Malay, not to a Malaysian Indian or Chinese. For example.

Weather is equatorial so dress light. If a woman is going with you no off the shoulder stuff or bare midriff or short dress or shorts as the Sharia shit is just below the surface. I was there with my girl friend in 1985 and she had some normal for Aus shorts and sleeveless T shirts and the guys were staring at her like she was a whore. Quite heavy really.

Food is great and if you go to Penang check out the old cemetery there it has graves from the old English East Indies company dating back to 1650 or so.

Some people pay for that service. @Reject is all about it with his life partner giving and him receiving.
"I say old chap, did some one mention flogging and buggery?"

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Well Known Member
Malaysia is nice really, but has real systemic racism, not the BS as claimed by BLM.

A Malay is only allowed to sell land to another Malay, not to a Malaysian Indian or Chinese. For example.

Weather is equatorial so dress light. If a woman is going with you no off the shoulder stuff or bare midriff or short dress or shorts as the Sharia shit is just below the surface. I was there with my girl friend in 1985 and she had some normal for Aus shorts and sleeveless T shirts and the guys were staring at her like she was a whore. Quite heavy really.

Food is great and if you go to Penang check out the old cemetery there it has graves from the old English East Indies company dating back to 1650 or so.

"I say old chap, did some one mention flogging and buggery?"

View attachment 652232
My son lives there, he works for the Sultan of Johor and from what he says it is a little more liberal now. They recognise all religions and the official holidays of religions. The Sultans right hand man who is my sons boss is Australian.


Constantly laughing at the world
You can hear something faintly in the background as if it's a military base. Could it be?