Warning:Children Black Kids (1 Viewer)


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evil retard

room temperature iq
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that first video was kind of funny, actually. it reminded me of when my uncle used a cattle prod on my dumbass cousin.


Nathan Powell

Life doesn’t end. You just run out of road..
Sometimes I wonder if I'm a psychopath for instantly reacting with a laughing emoji whenever I read anything involving the niggers, even before reading the story or watching the video lmao.😆🤣


Even more drunk than before
They are so cute!
When they surprise you and sucker punch you in the face, it's really the same kind of affection that they showed their mammy when they were young.


Cuddler of cats
Videos like this solve the mystery of why most niglet boys don't have a dad.
Would *you* want to stick around and help raise a pickaninny? It would make as much sense as having a bowel movement and then feeding, clothing, and housing it for 18 years. Even many niggers aren't that dumb.


I guess almost everyone here is a white supremacist here. I'm black, my best friend is Asian, and I sure don't act like that...Sort of scary.