Charleston church shooting suspect Dylann Roof in custody in NC (1 Viewer)

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Recovering Lurker

He looks quite familiar....

Blacks kill Whites much more often than Whites kill Blacks.
Blacks kill Blacks much more often than Whites kill Blacks.
Jewish media produces the popular perception that both of these are opposite.

Follow the "wewillshootback" hashtag on twitter to get a dose of black retard. According to them Black Americans liberated themselves from slavery by firearms instead of being set loose by White Union soldiers (and an attempt at the same end made by White John Brown and his band of armed White men). Also according to them, it's Whites killing and Blacks who are defending themselves.. though the reality is that most Whites have been ignoring Black aggression against Whites all their lives. Lastly, according to them, if Blacks arm themselves (as if they're unarmed now), the US will finally pass anti-gun laws, though the reason anti-gun laws can't get passed is because so many Americans (including Blacks) need guns to defend themselves from Black crime and aggression.

This kid finally snapped. There are thousands like him who want to give Blacks a taste of what they've been giving America but aren't ready to go to prison for it. He clearly didn't care.

I expect more anti-non-White attacks in majority White countries as White demographics slip to non-White immigration and birthrates. Eventually more level headed White reactionaries, likely disillusioned war veterans, will organize and we'll enter a period of White militias that don't allow non-Whites to reside anywhere near them. Guys like this won't be compelled to strike at the Black problem violently because Whites will have the option to never see a Black in their daily lives.


forget politics, forget race, forget colour.




Forum Veteran
stuoid stupid stupid judge jackass!
why you tell address of Roof family home...for the haters to hurt his parents
its as if you bombed their house when you open fat stinky mouth and revealed street address to already upset USA black society.
the victim family forgive him but god help him from the other 94% upset folks


Southern Charm
I've heard the president politicize this by calling for gun control. Hilary too. I've heard the press blame Fox News. I've heard people blame the confederate flag. No one is blaming the shooter.
Nothing pisses me off more when one of these mass shootings go down are the outcries for "gun control". Bitch please, a crazy motherfucker can get his/her hands on a gun no matter how you try to "control" it. Need to control these whackadoodles.


Internet Warrior
I've heard the president politicize this by calling for gun control. Hilary too. I've heard the press blame Fox News. I've heard people blame the confederate flag. No one is blaming the shooter.

Obama lied. Mass shootings are not the sole province of the United States. Several advanced countries who have either gun bans or restrict ownership have had them happen. Obama is using this to pursue his agenda against the 2nd Amendment. He did so in full knowledge that what he said was a lie.

He needs to realize that every "mass" shooting in this country since Columbine had people under the effects of mind altering pharmaceuticals, including (surprise, surprise) Roof.

We do not need more "gun control." The shooter, in this instance, was banned from possessing any firearms due to a recent drug charge. His dad purchased the gun and gave it to him for his birthday via a straw purchase. Too bad some folks are making this a "gun control" issue.

Almost every summer since this empty suit took office there has been a shooting and shortly after cries for gun control. The shooter is always young, troubled and for the most part, far left and democratic leaning. But what I am pointing out is that there seems to be a pattern here.

Nidal Hasan aka The Ft Hood shooter - registered Democrat.

Aaron Alexis aka Navy Yard shooter - registered Democrat.

Seung Hui Cho aka Virginia Tech shooter - registered Democrat.

James Holmes aka Dark Knight shooter - registered Democrat.

Bill Ayers aka Weather Underground Bomber - registered Democrat.

Harris and Klebold aka Columbine shooters - families registered as Democrat.

Plus more.

I am not some Alex Jones follower, but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... It's not a fucking Moose.

Gun control... :rolleyes: Better ban lighting, bathtubs, slippery floors and vehicles first mother fuckers.


I like chickens
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Obama lied. Mass shootings are not the sole province of the United States. Several advanced countries who have either gun bans or restrict ownership have had them happen. Obama is using this to pursue his agenda against the 2nd Amendment. He did so in full knowledge that what he said was a lie..
I remember the guy in Denmark who killed like 17 school children.


Recovering Lurker
Another more interesting way countering against any anti-gun argument could be like this: If a person ran over a bunch of children with his/her vehicle and it's considered to be the deadliest act of it's kind, should we get rid of everybody's vehicle to prevent more from happening?


I like chickens
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How many people are killed with hammers every year? Or knives? Or baseball bats? Or fists? Statistics show that .0007% of lawful gun owners are involved in a gun related crime.


Southern Charm
On a side note... His name will be Dil-Ann in prison.
no shit...cute little fella like that...wonder how long it will take to put him in gen pop? I would imagine he will be in protective custody until his trial. He'd better hope he gets the death cellmates on death row. Those nigger prison gangs have their ways...I'm sure someone could get to him and kill him after they wear that tight little ass out.