accident ***Child Warning*** Little dude's hand got pulled into machine (1 Viewer)

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Something's not right about this... Doesn't electricity flow from one person to another (triboelectric effect), yet the woman isn't reacting to any electricity whatsoever. I think, and I maybe wrong here, but does it look like the little boy got his hand stuck (maybe even crushed)? Either way, I wish no harm to him and find no solace in either scenario happening.


Something's not right about this... Doesn't electricity flow from one person to another (triboelectric effect), yet the woman isn't reacting to any electricity whatsoever. I think, and I maybe wrong here, but does it look like the little boy got his hand stuck (maybe even crushed)? Either way, I wish no harm to him and find no solace in either scenario happening.t

Thought the same thing


🩸Blood Bag🩸
Something's not right about this... Doesn't electricity flow from one person to another (triboelectric effect), yet the woman isn't reacting to any electricity whatsoever. I think, and I maybe wrong here, but does it look like the little boy got his hand stuck (maybe even crushed)? Either way, I wish no harm to him and find no solace in either scenario happening.
yeah it clearly looks like his hand got sucked up into the machine, if it was a strong electrical current she wouldn't have been able to grab him


Forum Veteran
Something's not right about this... Doesn't electricity flow from one person to another (triboelectric effect), yet the woman isn't reacting to any electricity whatsoever. I think, and I maybe wrong here, but does it look like the little boy got his hand stuck (maybe even crushed)? Either way, I wish no harm to him and find no solace in either scenario happening.
I agree. Plus, even 120 volts AC would have caused him to seize up. Likely a hand-in-belt issue.


Forum Veteran
just because ur hand gets into the hole doesnt mean you should stick it up there, poor thing but a lesson for life


Something's not right about this... Doesn't electricity flow from one person to another (triboelectric effect), yet the woman isn't reacting to any electricity whatsoever. I think, and I maybe wrong here, but does it look like the little boy got his hand stuck (maybe even crushed)? Either way, I wish no harm to him and find no solace in either scenario happening.
Who said anything about electricity? Got his hand stuck in the conveyor!!!
Who said anything about electricity? Got his hand stuck in the conveyor!!!
Oh dear. It is far better to be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove ALL DOUBT! The original title had 'Zapped' in it as the poster initially thought the young boy had been electrocuted, and please bear in mind, the original poster is a mod'. They realised it wasn't correct and so changed accordingly. Now, I'm not one to cast cast aspersions on someone's intellect, but maybe, just maybe, think before you write / speak / breath..?