Crime Covid cult member freaks out (3 Viewers)


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Forum Veteran
He's an asshole, no question, but this isn't recent. I saw this about 2 years ago, at the height of the overreaction to the disease that wasn't that deadly.


Forum Veteran
Times have moved on , now every mother fucker is no longer wearing that stupid mask and every man's cock is touching the other person's arse in the queue, coughing at leisure, spitting in the streets. Before it was like don't fuckin come anywhere within a feet of me or I will shoot your fucking brains out you diseased leper.


Well Known Member


Forum Veteran
could hav used the pepper spray against the sheboons who rob the store and the security guy was holing the wrong gun, was he taking the temperature of the chicken on the shelf


Splinter In Your Eye
I fucking hate those assholes. I had one incident during the coronahoax when I was walking around a supermarket open-faced and some hysterical cunt in a face diaper started carrying on like she was going to have a heart attack.
We'll talk again about The Hooax after you died ............of covid