dear god in heaven...please keep sleepy joe safe and healthy (3 Viewers)

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Dr. Johnny Fever

aka Bill Murray
I think that it won't really matter if she becomes president. The two of them are controlled by Obama minions working behind the curtain. What is important is that the midterm elections produce enough opposition in congress to keep them in check until 2024. And I do think that it's inevitable that Brandon is removed before his term is over. It is possible that Kuntala will be removed through manipulation too, like having her appoint some other douche like Susan Rice as VP that the left likes even more, then resigning to allow that person to become president.
Even Obama is pretty much a bitch to someone (Soros, Chinese gov't, etc.).

JG Ballard

I want to watch
When they installed Brandon, as bad as it was, I tried to see it as a good thing. As much as I hated the sight of these bozos taking over, I said that Americans need to see this shit show to understand the threat that is among us. Most people in the country have this notion that the government is a harmless entity that runs itself because for the span of a human lifetime, they have seen nothing but prosperity and assume it as a given. I like to think that the Brandon clown show woke a lot of people up and put more awareness of how easy it is for everything to go down the toilet with bad leadership. As Reagan once said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."

Dr. Johnny Fever

aka Bill Murray
When they installed Brandon, as bad as it was, I tried to see it as a good thing. As much as I hated the sight of these bozos taking over, I said that Americans need to see this shit show to understand the threat that is among us. Most people in the country have this notion that the government is a harmless entity that runs itself because for the span of a human lifetime, they have seen nothing but prosperity and assume it as a given. I like to think that the Brandon clown show woke a lot of people up and put more awareness of how easy it is for everything to go down the toilet with bad leadership. As Reagan once said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."
I think that mushy headed tit's approval is sitting ~25%....and thats from within the Democrat base. There has to be a change


Resident Rope Bottom
They need to leave, not us.

You're right, Americans have become ignorant as hell. It is beyond concerning.

I have a major problem with a woman being president, especially THAT woman. Generally speaking, women usually act on emotion not logic, their brains are geared towards it biologically. Having a woman in office will not project strength and power to the rest of the world, it will make us look weaker than we currently do. There are plenty of jobs I think women can do and be successful, but giving a woman a position of power rarely ends well.

Racism, riiiight. When they stop acting like a bunch of wild fucking animals they might stop being veiw as an overall worthless species.

There were plenty of things the Obama admin did that were scandalous, like Operation Fast and Furious, suggling guns to the cartels, renewing and stregthening The Patriot Act enabling more governmental mass suveilance of citizens in 2011 allowing roaming wiretaps and searches of business records without warrants, violating the fourth ammendment rights of countless citizens. It's the reason that ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden went into hiding. The list goes on and on.

Women act on emotion not logic?

Maybe I would like to see someone who doesn't think with their dick run the country.


Die, Fucker.
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Because we're even more fucked if he dies and that porch monkey moves into the oval.

How were Americans fooled into voting for these mental defectives?

View attachment 603087
He will survive until at least 2024, at which time #DJTRUMP will take back the reins of the United States while sending pervy, sniffy Joe and his inferior, cackling, token nigger-boon to the back of the bus. Are you ready?


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The main "Pressing Issue" Of Our Time;Is the Current Administration! I've NVR 👁👁'N or 👂'RD of a more Corrupt and Lacking Administration in my Fkn Life! They've just about Destroyed the USA! And in a very short timeline too! I can't believe their still in Office!
*They're. And could you imagine if the fat, orange retard got elected again? I mean, the faggot Nazis that post on this forum would love it, but holy shit.
He will survive until at least 2024, at which time #DJTRUMP will take back the reins of the United States while sending pervy, sniffy Joe and his inferior, cackling, token nigger-boon to the back of the bus. Are you ready?
Trump won't get elected for city council in Inbred Heights, Oklahoma, let alone President. Bet me.


Because most Americans have the equivalent of a 3rd grade education, don't learn history and know that Biden is an old racist from way back. He voted for segregationist laws, for example. Oh and let's not forget the main reason people voted for these inept "leaders": Orange man Bad. Vote for Biden, he's not Trump lol
EXACTLY! How Fkn Stupid
*They're. And could you imagine if the fat, orange retard got elected again? I mean, the faggot Nazis that post on this forum would love it, but holy shit.

Trump won't get elected for city council in Inbred Heights, Oklahoma, let alone President. Bet me.
I know there's no chance in Hell that Biden and His Lackey Administration get elected again! That being said;If it's not Trump...Then who? IYO of course?
SP They're>Thanku...


Forum Veteran
Because most Americans have the equivalent of a 3rd grade education, don't learn history and know that Biden is an old racist from way back. He voted for segregationist laws, for example. Oh and let's not forget the main reason people voted for these inept "leaders": Orange man Bad. Vote for Biden, he's not Trump lol

Bullseye Malficent !!!!
I do not by any reasonable standard understand just what makes Americans tick.
It's as if they are suffering from some sort of mental disease . A deadly self-destructive disease.

Not looking for a pat on the back , but I may of posted here that the Biden- Harris thing was to have Biden get " ill" then Harris takes over. I did tell many friends this info.
I further predicted this will take place at or near Bidens 3rd term in office as to allow Harris the needed exposure to show she is capable of being President. Insuring she will be voted in at the next election.
I hope I am WRONG !!!
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