bizarre Delivery Guy Fell Down Elevator (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
How is this an "asian" thing and not an "elderly pre dementia" thing. Racists are some ignorant motherfuckers. Anything to further along the false narrative of being a bigoted uneducated scum bag.
I'm not racist, I hate every cunt. But it's a common theme with Asians, they are impatient, rude, ignorant, self-absorbed. The ones I have crossed paths with anyway, they have no patience, jump the queue, race around like they are on fast-forward. Some Asians are chill, but very few... Perfect example is this post, I highly doubt the delivery guy was some old dementia riddled geriatric.


Fresh Meat
The Asian race are the most fast-paced, impatient, rude little fuckers I have ever come across. At my old work if I saw this one rude ignorant Asian lady shuffling her feet along in the ground foyer and I was already in the elevator, I would press the button that closed the elevator doors pronto. She was notorious for doing this to myself and others so it was only fair. It became cat and mouse with her some mornings, I would just roll my eyes if she ever made it inside the elevator with me, thinking to myself "you win today bitch..." :lulz:

It's just a shame this video didn't end something like this old gem:

View attachment 572207
Uhmm try Chinese not all asian are like that


With as little situational awareness some people have, I'm surprised a lot of people make it as long as they do.
Maintenance man was probably inclined to believe he'd get to see something like that some day, w/ the way he reacted... or didn't react. I'd wager he was at least a little surprised it actually happened, he just didn't show it, gotta keep it cool and stay professional w/ these types of things.


tropical darks
The Asian race are the most fast-paced, impatient, rude little fuckers I have ever come across. At my old work if I saw this one rude ignorant Asian lady shuffling her feet along in the ground foyer and I was already in the elevator, I would press the button that closed the elevator doors pronto. She was notorious for doing this to myself and others so it was only fair. It became cat and mouse with her some mornings, I would just roll my eyes if she ever made it inside the elevator with me, thinking to myself "you win today bitch..." :lulz:

It's just a shame this video didn't end something like this old gem:

View attachment 572207
Just like in Resident Evil or that pretty bad movie La reunión del diablo!

Now I may binge watch bad horror movies for the weekend. Thank you for posting @mr_gutsy_ 💚


i'm a cyborg
Orient express hell!


Forum Veteran
This is one of the most idiotic things I've ever seen. You can clearly see that there is no floor in the elevator,and that it's dark in there. Would you step into a pitch black elevator????:(