Do you eat Avocados ? (1 Viewer)

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Cik One 956

Dying to Live
Love the get the sand out of your vagina reaction as your vagina is pretty sandy. Well, I'm not gay, but I'm sure there's someone here to take you up on your offer. It's okay if your feelings are hurt but no need to mass neg, Paneras got some nice bland salad for you.
You seem pretty gay to me ... Given your all up on my posts and stalking me ..


Well Known Member
Ya I have seen the history on this thing a bit ago. Imagine that you are already fucked in the head and then you go for complete abuse and a slow fat filled crawl to your eventual death by gluttony
Yeah I really don't get his logic behind blowing up like that. Darwinism is at play so, can't complain I guess.