Female Nursing Assistant rapes dementia patients (1 Viewer)

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One day , that body of yours will be mine.
Later that day.

Faith in humanity restored.
Nah seriously that's messed up. Tell me ... where is she ? So i can .... Hum... Slap her face .. 😁


đŸ–€ Dead đŸ–€
Super Moderator
  • Tiara Lynn Ford, 23, of Ohio, was arrested Thursday for raping elderly dementia patients at the assisted living facility where she worked
  • Ford worked as a nurse's aide at The Inn at University Village in Massillon, Ohio
  • Investigators allegedly obtained 'video recordings of Ms. Ford sexually assaulting elderly residents of the facility,' police said
  • Ford reportedly used a cell phone to make the recordings

Link to article here

Ohio nursing assistant arrested for raping elderly dementia patients'
Unfortunately, things like this happen more than most people know...I work in a group home for mentally and physically disabled older individuals and have been in the health care field forever. It's criminal how these helpless people are treated...the abuse and neglect is disgusting...
People just need to chill with the sex shit in general, it ain't all that, and I've had countless broads, best to run solo, no one to tell you how to live your fucking days, and no one to make you feel like shit when the manipulation process for power inevitably begins in every single relationship, oh it starts out great because the lines of power are obscured and not addressed or even looked for, it's too 'new', it's just bullshit. I mean raping dementia patients? Do you really need a few minutes of sex for that??? Read a fucking book. Undisciplined idiots all over.

Varmint Hunter

I'd go to hell just to shoot the Devil in the face
This nigga raped and impregnated a woman in a vegetative state in Arizona while working as a nurse. Staff had no idea she was pregnant until she gave birth. He was caught after all male staff were DNA tested View attachment 573381

His face looked like he got mouthy with US troops in Ramadi when they were conducting door-to-door sweeps for known insurgents, and then got buttstroked across the right eye with the stock of an M4 as they were putting flexcuffs on him...
Ohh my Dad was in a nursing home for over a year with locked in syndrome before he died. He was aware of things but couldn't move. I'm thinking allsorts now because all the young staff there are paid peanuts. Hope non of them ever gave him a slap or even called him names because he understood.

I am surprised that there have not been more incidents of care facility employees or directors who had been abusing patients getting shot dead or beaten to death with a crowbar as they left at the end of their shifts. When my mother had a stroke and had to spend a month in one before coming back home, that very thought crossed my mind more than a few times. If somebody brutalizes her in there, I am gonna fucking murk them. No words need to be exchanged. Just walk up to the perp and start stabbing with a 6 inch S&W HRT tactical knife until most of the guts are out on the pavement. And no LOL, I wouldn't give a fuck about prison either. Life is short, and then we all die anyway...

Thankfully nothing happened and she is recuperating at home.
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  • Tiara Lynn Ford, 23, of Ohio, was arrested Thursday for raping elderly dementia patients at the assisted living facility where she worked
  • Ford worked as a nurse's aide at The Inn at University Village in Massillon, Ohio
  • Investigators allegedly obtained 'video recordings of Ms. Ford sexually assaulting elderly residents of the facility,' police said
  • Ford reportedly used a cell phone to make the recordings

Link to article here

Ohio nursing assistant arrested for raping elderly dementia patients'
That’s because no one else would fuck her ugly ass! What was a girl to do? Haha. Maybe they liked it too I’m sure they don’t get any either. Haha I’m going to hell. Oh well.


Forum Veteran
I can't consider intimacy with my loved one. I'd feel like a child molester. There's no desire there, anyway. Our roles are much changed.

An employee, a career doing this.....just a pervert and a psycho who can't spend enough time in prison. A woman, at that. It needs a cage for life.


"Bark Bark Bark!" Don't know when to stop. "Bark!"
  • Tiara Lynn Ford, 23, of Ohio, was arrested Thursday for raping elderly dementia patients at the assisted living facility where she worked
  • Ford worked as a nurse's aide at The Inn at University Village in Massillon, Ohio
  • Investigators allegedly obtained 'video recordings of Ms. Ford sexually assaulting elderly residents of the facility,' police said
  • Ford reportedly used a cell phone to make the recordings

Link to article here

Ohio nursing assistant arrested for raping elderly dementia patients'
Thought it was ok for females to rape... Don't they have what's called the "pussy pass"?