beatings Found a skull (1 Viewer)

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Lord Gutsy

Chinking The Fuck Out
Super Moderator
A human skull was found and caught by fishermen in a weir in the rural area of the municipality of Mar Vermelho, Alagoas state, on Thursday (6).

Military personnel from the 10th BPM were called together with the Criminalistics Institute (IC) and the Forensic Medical Institute (IML) to carry out the forensics and collect the skull. The identity of the victim or the possible cause of death, whether it was drowning or murder, is not yet known.


while riding thru the mountains I said skull from the back seat. So we stopped to check it out and our driver, an Airport policeman, decides to take it home with him. He gets home shows his wife only to have her break the skull and tells him his mother passed on. true story.


The Style is Death
You can actually legally buy real human skulls, skeletons, and other human bones in most US states. (There are websites that sell them.) I wonder what it would be like to have a real skull to have at the house, delivered by UPS.
I live Las Vegas and there's a shop here that was selling a real human skull but it was about $2,000. If i was rich i'd buy a whole skeleton lol