beatings From White Rapper To Cry Baby (1 Viewer)

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Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
Thanks, I needed a good laugh this morning. Fucking retard, what did he think was gonna happen? From the Hogwarts rob the the hideous gold shoes, I wanted to amake those glasses right off his face.

Rap is for blacks, let them keep it, atrocious "music" with little to no value. Robbery, rap, murder, domestic violence, and caviar dreams are the prefered topics of the abhorrant genre and maybe it's because I'm white but I have trouble understanding what comes out of their mouths with those big floppin' gums.

Keep up the feel good content please.

Interestingly hip hop is a white dominated music genre in the UK. The black lads are more inclined to go into grime or drill which on the whole is total bollocks. UK Hip Hop is more about linguistic intelligence and getting stoned 😂.

This tune is one such white rapper. Someone has put the tune over some riot footage which works quite well.

And seeing as pooptube seems to think riots are age restricted here is the audio.



Forum Veteran
I love when they are harmed/killed by the niggers they worship.
