Fucked up and weird sites (2 Viewers)

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Not to sound retarded......but if u have a long drive you can copy paste Toms Story to whatever free Text Reader u find and enjoy the ride. Im a truck driver so im branching out from typical PodCasts. Plus im not trying to read going 75mph weighing 80k..... Love The Reddit channels on youtube that narrate all kinds of subreddit topics. You want some down right cold blooded confessions take a listen to those. From alleged serial killers,rapist,pedophiles,dirty cops,paranormal,aliens,Lets not Meet Stories.....most of them are probably bullshit but interesting indeed,these people feel sooo safe on the internet!

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Some of My Fav Subreddit Channels

Some Other Gems

[Police Interrogations/Confessions]

~Worst Fucking Confession Ive Ever Heard

[In Depth Awesome Channel on Criminal Psychology and Strategy of Detectives Interrogations]

Damn. That dude is a psychopath. Glad he got sick at the end and was puking. The adrenaline is wearing off and he will have to think about what he did to that poor kid for the rest of his life. On a side note, I never understood how people like this get aroused as they are killing someone. Not a psychiatrist, but people like this can’t be changed. After hearing him tell the story I’m glad he got the death penalty
Whats the most fucked up site you've ever visited? (including on the deep web)?

Found this one the other day was pretty fuckin psychotic

That one... pretty much the person is just comparing space after there is no place left for any life to exist...a place where only ghosts exist for eternity.. or until an earth is once again..everything they describe is in great detail and I’m sure they have a background in science also... methamphetamine will cause one to delve into such subjects...hate to say it .. actually I don’t... I get it