Godfather Death visited Afghanistan(warning dying kid) (1 Viewer)

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20 year. 20 God damn years. And the Taliban are STILL there. Pretty fucking lame. What are we gonna do if they attack again? Continue draining our treasury and economy for yet another fruitless 20+ year quagmire?

Face it. We got out asses handed to us. We had to give up and sign an agreement with the Taliban during the previous administration, then leave with our tails tucked between our legs during this administration.

This is why you white niggers keep getting your asses kicked. You do t fuckin learn and you live in an alternate dimension. You completely and utterly underestimate your stated opponents, the biggest fucking mistake you can possibly make.

The English did that during the merkkkan revolution.

The French did that in the War of 1812.

The South did that during the Civil War.

Custer did that during the Indian Wars.

The British did that during the Boer War.

The Germans did that during WWI. (As did everyone else. Turned into a fucking meat slaughter fest because of it.)

And the Germans did it again during WWII.

The Japanese did it during WWII.

We did it in Vietnam, several other places, Afghanistan, and against ISIS.

You stupid motherfuckers will take us all down with you dumbasses.

"DeRp IlL tAkE a BuNcH wItH mE. dErP"

Stupid fucking keyboard warrior will only end up in your lifeless mutilated corpse on GG. 🤣
You got a point but when did I underestimate anybody? They are turds. That doesn’t mean a turd can’t shoot a gun at you, even a 3 year old could point a gun at you and kill you, it’s a gun for fucks sake. They are fucking scum that take little 12 year old girls from their families and rape them to make more taliban fighters. I don’t know the politics behind this, I truly just am a dumb nut that rather use force than words but I also have enough common sense to know that if we stop caring about stupid stuff over there we could wipe them out. You seem more knowledgeable on the reasons as to why we’ve been there for 20 years and there’s still terrorists there so surely you can use common sense along with me and see that 1 of our soldiers out classes 10 taliban fighters, so it’s completely plausible that we could destroy them with the right person in office.


Forum Veteran
You got a point but when did I underestimate anybody? They are turds. That doesn’t mean a turd can’t shoot a gun at you, even a 3 year old could point a gun at you and kill you, it’s a gun for fucks sake. They are fucking scum that take little 12 year old girls from their families and rape them to make more taliban fighters. I don’t know the politics behind this, I truly just am a dumb nut that rather use force than words but I also have enough common sense to know that if we stop caring about stupid stuff over there we could wipe them out. You seem more knowledgeable on the reasons as to why we’ve been there for 20 years and there’s still terrorists there so surely you can use common sense along with me and see that 1 of our soldiers out classes 10 taliban fighters, so it’s completely plausible that we could destroy them with the right person in office.
Your second half of your post doesn't flow the first.

Yeah. You're right. A 3 year old with a gun could kill you as easily as anyone with a gun. It isn't that 1 of our soldiers "outclasses" ten of theirs. Go back to your original argument:

Weaponry. That's the ONLY reason why our soldiers supposedly "outclasses" theirs. Weaponry. It isn't that our soldiers are more capable than theirs. It's that we have advanced engineers that know a thing or two about science, physics, and engineering, and as a result, can invent a lot of shit that keeps us afloat.

That's the entire problem i keep harping on here with you right wingers. We "win," both economically and militarily, by using our brains. We need to be a HELL of a lot smarter than we've been ever since the damn boomers took over.

I suggest if you read nothing else, read Sun Tzu's Art of War. The basic premise can be applied to pretty much everything. And that is...

"Work smarter, not harder."

We need to spend our money smarter than we do:


Building roads, highways, airports, seaports, and start funding our space program again. Our education system especially needs all the help it can get. Particularly higher education. When a young person decides they cannot afford to go to school and do what they naturally have an aptitude for....like a nurse, a doctor, or an engineer....that's one less skilled person our economy would have for that person's entire lifetime!

Furthermore, rightwingers seem to think we should go and just blow the every fucking hell out of other countries, and damn the consequences!

You know how many people live in Afghanistan?


40 million people live in Afghanistan!

Now tell me:

How in the motherfucking HELL do you propose we slaughter 40 million people, and before any of them can possibly flee across the border? What does that look like? What kind of ridiculous amount of logistics would that take to accomplish it?

Nevermind, the fact that if we start doing that, it would WWII all over again: We'd have Russia, China, India....pretty much everybody in that region...with a combined population of half the world....coming after after us.

You don't make any damn sense. Even rhetorically, it makes no fucking sense.

You asshole u were born in the US! You're Italian/American..not Italian as u claim. The only reason ur ancestors made it here was because of American guns and American boys liberating Italy during WW2! If not for us Mussolini would have made u suck his dick!
Reread that post and respond to what was written, you illiterate fucktard.


Reread that post and respond to what was written, you illiterate fucktard.
Reread This


Forum Veteran
You can thank biden and his administration for total chaos in Afghanistan. He doesn't plan on doing a fucking thing about this all those Americans left their to be slaughtered by the stinking taliban whom is allowed to be on twitter but not President Trump!!!

A) "there"* Fixed it for ya.

B) tRump signed the agreement with the Taliban to withdraw by May, 2021. Why? Because he couldn't withdraw during his term in office. Just like Obama couldn't in his 8 years in office. Just like Bush couldn't in the five years we were there during his term. The moment we went in there to start "bombing the shit" out of that country, was the moment any withdrawal would wind up being a fucking disaster. Blame Bush and the 107th Congress elected by right-winged warhawak Republikkkunts, ya retard!

C) Biden did not violate the community standards set by the PRIVATE enterprise of Twitter. Its their PRIVATE PROPERTY.

D) Biden doesn't shoot off random ass Tweets and Facebook messages 37 times a day, just to piss off Americans in order to divide this country.


And he's a fucking twat if that's the case.
Only ones who should be taken in are the translators who worked directly with the military (and their direct family, no extended family).
The guys who were there with the troops on the front line.
Why ? Because they're already vetted. Letting anyone else in, is just inviting more rapes and violence in your own country ... Just look at Sweden, Austria, Germany, France ... all asylum seekers who chose to rape and murder in the country they were trying to enter. Fuck them, strap em to a plane and send them back as "human bombs" ... no need for the plane to land like that.
Are you saying that Americans who have lived here their entire life don't rape and murder in our country? If so, maybe you should visit Chicago, or Miami, or Atlanta, or almost every large city in the US. Virtually every civilized country has lower violent crimes rates than the US. Crime is going to happen regardless of where someone came from. America is a country of immigrants and our best inventions and advances have come as a result of the diverse population that we have.

And if they try to crawl out, shove em back in ...
"Refugees welcome" ... how about you take care of your millions of homeless first before putting even more people who won't want to work on the taxpayers doll. I'm glad there are still countries like Hungary who refuse to let refugees in.
The rest of the world has wasted too much money, time and effort to try and help them, and they don't even rise up and fight to protect their coun

You can thank biden and his administration for total chaos in Afghanistan. He doesn't plan on doing a fucking thing about this all those Americans left their to be slaughtered by the stinking taliban whom is allowed to be on twitter but not President Trump!!!
You should maybe do your research before spouting off about things you obviously know nothing about. Trump released the current leader of the Taliban from prison, along with 5000 of his "colleagues". Trump wanted everyone out by May 1st, but initially he wanted everyone out before he left office, but the military said that was not possible. Trump is and always has been clueless, and it sounds like you, Janine are just as stupid and clueless as Trump. Get your head out of his ass.


Omelette du Fromage! (PS: DickButt)
Are you saying that Americans who have lived here their entire life don't rape and murder in our country? If so, maybe you should visit Chicago, or Miami, or Atlanta, or almost every large city in the US. Virtually every civilized country has lower violent crimes rates than the US. Crime is going to happen regardless of where someone came from. America is a country of immigrants and our best inventions and advances have come as a result of the diverse population that we have.
I'm saying it's not something you want to import more of ... especially considering the cultural differences and unwillingness of most refugees to assimilate in the country they're traveling to. France, German, Sweden, the UK ... all recent examples where the policy of immigration that is "welcome all refugees" has massively backfired and resulted in the deaths and rapes of many nationals.
Quite a few of the bombings in both Germany and France have been orchestrated and executed by immigrants.
I care not about the US or whatever country you're from, I care not about the issues that are already festering in every country mentioned. I am however massively against a broken policy that only makes the situation worse.

The US was founded on the principle of "everyone is welcome", but so long as those people adopted the values and morals of the country, in other words: assimilate.
The US has turned to trash from the very moment it allowed people to not assimilate with the already established culture.
The people who are not willing to adopt the laws of the land, it's morals, values and culture are not and should never be welcomed, no matter what country and no matter from which country they're from. Just look at how many people are living in other countries and still don't talk the language 10 years later (I'm taking France as example here, since it's where I live).
Crime will happen, doesn't mean you need go trying to import even more of it.


This user was banned
Your second half of your post doesn't flow the first.

Yeah. You're right. A 3 year old with a gun could kill you as easily as anyone with a gun. It isn't that 1 of our soldiers "outclasses" ten of theirs. Go back to your original argument:

Weaponry. That's the ONLY reason why our soldiers supposedly "outclasses" theirs. Weaponry. It isn't that our soldiers are more capable than theirs. It's that we have advanced engineers that know a thing or two about science, physics, and engineering, and as a result, can invent a lot of shit that keeps us afloat.

That's the entire problem i keep harping on here with you right wingers. We "win," both economically and militarily, by using our brains. We need to be a HELL of a lot smarter than we've been ever since the damn boomers took over.

I suggest if you read nothing else, read Sun Tzu's Art of War. The basic premise can be applied to pretty much everything. And that is...

"Work smarter, not harder."

We need to spend our money smarter than we do:


Building roads, highways, airports, seaports, and start funding our space program again. Our education system especially needs all the help it can get. Particularly higher education. When a young person decides they cannot afford to go to school and do what they naturally have an aptitude for....like a nurse, a doctor, or an engineer....that's one less skilled person our economy would have for that person's entire lifetime!

Furthermore, rightwingers seem to think we should go and just blow the every fucking hell out of other countries, and damn the consequences!

You know how many people live in Afghanistan?


40 million people live in Afghanistan!

Now tell me:

How in the motherfucking HELL do you propose we slaughter 40 million people, and before any of them can possibly flee across the border? What does that look like? What kind of ridiculous amount of logistics would that take to accomplish it?

Nevermind, the fact that if we start doing that, it would WWII all over again: We'd have Russia, China, India....pretty much everybody in that region...with a combined population of half the world....coming after after us.

You don't make any damn sense. Even rhetorically, it makes no fucking sense.
Alright smarty pants. Everyone is gifted in their own craft. Everyone is smart in their given field. Wether it’s combat, math, science, engineering etc. We don’t only outclass the terrorists 10 to 1 from pure morals alone, we actually have good battle strategy, as you say what wins wars is indeed smarts, but smarts alone won’t win a war. I’m gonna search up who is allies with Afghanistan after this but really, all the civilians should be evacuating there as we speak to whatever country they please so that the military can once and for all just blow those shit muffins to ashes. I honestly wouldn’t care about what the Taliban does to Afghanistan if they weren’t killing innocent people that are just trying to live and stealing little girls from their families to use as breeding machines for Taliban soldiers. I think you and I can both agree the world would be a happier place without them here.


Forum Veteran
I'm saying it's not something you want to import more of ... especially considering the cultural differences and unwillingness of most refugees to assimilate in the country they're traveling to. France, German, Sweden, the UK ... all recent examples where the policy of immigration that is "welcome all refugees" has massively backfired and resulted in the deaths and rapes of many nationals.
Quite a few of the bombings in both Germany and France have been orchestrated and executed by immigrants.
I care not about the US or whatever country you're from, I care not about the issues that are already festering in every country mentioned. I am however massively against a broken policy that only makes the situation worse.

The US was founded on the principle of "everyone is welcome", but so long as those people adopted the values and morals of the country, in other words: assimilate.
The US has turned to trash from the very moment it allowed people to not assimilate with the already established culture.
The people who are not willing to adopt the laws of the land, it's morals, values and culture are not and should never be welcomed, no matter what country and no matter from which country they're from. Just look at how many people are living in other countries and still don't talk the language 10 years later (I'm taking France as example here, since it's where I live).
Crime will happen, doesn't mean you need go trying to import even more of it.
And pretty much all school shootings have been orchestrated and executed by white Merkkkan- born niggers. And the Holocaust was orchestrated and executed by native German-born white niggers. Your point is entirely moot.

Alright smarty pants. Everyone is gifted in their own craft. Everyone is smart in their given field. Wether it’s combat, math, science, engineering etc. We don’t only outclass the terrorists 10 to 1 from pure morals alone, we actually have good battle strategy, as you say what wins wars is indeed smarts, but smarts alone won’t win a war. I’m gonna search up who is allies with Afghanistan after this but really, all the civilians should be evacuating there as we speak to whatever country they please so that the military can once and for all just blow those shit muffins to ashes. I honestly wouldn’t care about what the Taliban does to Afghanistan if they weren’t killing innocent people that are just trying to live and stealing little girls from their families to use as breeding machines for Taliban soldiers. I think you and I can both agree the world would be a happier place without them here.
Again, you keep starting from the supposition that we "outclass them 10 to 1!"

Just because you continue to repeat your same stupid underestimation of the enemy, doesn't make your point any less true. You keep ignoring my point:

We lost because we underestimated the enemy. We thought we could just go in there and completely annihilate the Taliban.


We couldnt! It was Vietnam all over again. Except that generation was smart enough to pull out before TWO FUCKING DECADES have passed. And a lot of peoples' live, including thousands of US soldiers, and trillions of dollars were wasted because of it.

As a voter, you REALLY need to pull your head out of your ass, or else we'll just continue destroying out own country in the process. This shit is literally bankrupting us, while you play games IRT welfare and other social programs that actually invests in our own people!

I'm telling you right now, this is exactly how you destroy an empire like the US. constant endless wars we can never win. Fucking dumb as fuck.

And yes. Of course the world would be a happier place without them here. But there isn't anything we can do about it. We can only help ourselves.


Omelette du Fromage! (PS: DickButt)
And pretty much all school shootings have been orchestrated and executed by white Merkkkan- born niggers. And the Holocaust was orchestrated and executed by native German-born white niggers. Your point is entirely moot.
The holocaust was orchestrated by some fanatical brain fart called Hitler who had some seriously fucked up ideas and managed to get into power ...
Using him and anything WW2 related is a moot excuse in and of itself. There is no correlation to anything that has been said in this thread.
It happened in the context of a world war, and is an atrocity in it's own right that can be attributed to nobody else but Hitler and the fanatics he appointed (Himmler and the SS ...)
School shootings on the other hand are mentally derranged fucktwats who are already in the country, and if you bothered to actually read and understand what I was saying, I mentioned that we didn't need to import more of it, as in mentally deranged people who will commit atrocities for their ideology (radicalised Islam for the immigrants, and whatever repressed feelings for the school shooters who have all been teens with mental issues pushed to the breaking point, and for which race and religion is irrelevant).
So congrats on trying to pull a strawman out of your ploughed arse ... go get bent and fuck off with your two cent logic.

I must say, I understand why the Forum veterans dislike noobs. :sjw: :derp:


Forum Veteran
The holocaust was orchestrated by some fanatical brain fart called Hitler who had some seriously fucked up ideas and managed to get into power ...
Using him and anything WW2 related is a moot excuse in and of itself. There is no correlation to anything that has been said in this thread.
It happened in the context of a world war, and is an atrocity in it's own right that can be attributed to nobody else but Hitler and the fanatics he appointed (Himmler and the SS ...)
School shootings on the other hand are mentally derranged fucktwats who are already in the country, and if you bothered to actually read and understand what I was saying, I mentioned that we didn't need to import more of it, as in mentally deranged people who will commit atrocities for their ideology (radicalised Islam for the immigrants, and whatever repressed feelings for the school shooters who have all been teens with mental issues pushed to the breaking point, and for which race and religion is irrelevant).
So congrats on trying to pull a strawman out of your ploughed arse ... go get bent and fuck off with your two cent logic.

I must say, I understand why the Forum veterans dislike noobs. :sjw: :derp:
-My point-

-your head-