bizarre Idiot jumped off bridge while his fiance films because someone dared him (16 Viewers)

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^ sam ballard, another moron who took a dare by eating a slug...that didn't work out too well for him, either


Pre-dug holes in the Desert
Hitting the water spread out like that is like hitting concrete at any height. If you dive and cut the water it's fine. Might sting your feet a little. I've hit water in the winter time at that height. All I noticed was how fucking cold it was.
Good thing you don't have a penis large enough to shrivel.


In Moscow, a man jumped off a bridge on a dare and died in front of his fiance, who was filming it all.

The guy and his beloved arrived in the capital, where they met a mutual friend and went to the beach. While relaxing, the guy asked who was not weak in jumping into the water. The girls refused to experiment, but the young man decided to show off.

He asked to record the whole action on camera. The man jumped from a height, hit the water flat and lost consciousness. At first the girls didn’t even understand that something terrible had happened.

After some time, rescuers pulled out a lifeless body.

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Look at me !! I'm king of the world !! Dumbass

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Folks, do you really need friends like this? Around YOUR kids? FUXSAKENOOOOOO, mate!!!!