Funny Intense training (1 Viewer)

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Hugh Jassole
Why? He’s punching his cock with a tree trunk. He’s demonstrating his big dick energy for all to see, that’s why.


Forum Veteran
You see, if you were a man, you wouldn't have to ask that question.
He's building up testicular fortitude.
I hope I cleared that up for you.
I guess...
But why would a man wanna get courage from pain there?
Are you all expecting a kick in the balls??

Should be strength in mind, body and soul but WHY the balls??


gots book-learnins
I guess...
But why would a man wanna get courage from pain there?
Are you all expecting a kick in the balls??

Should be strength in mind, body and soul but WHY the balls??
Honestly, some people are crazy. I see them pulling buses by their scrotums, and I just shake my head.


Tomorrow isn't promised
What gets me is he went thru all the time and $ to build this contraption in his own living room (least looks like it) with the ENTIRE time having this use in mind! Did he just wake up one day with the blue prints in his head thinking "Yup that'll be perfect for my balls" 🤔😂