Police Islamic knife attack germany (3 Viewers)

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...God's favorite troll...
...Stab them all untill there are no more German people left...

...If you want to be a dying society, culture clash is the best way to commit suicide...

...Germany need another night of the long knives...

Grand Mal Caesar

The bitch who initially tried to stop the attack should have kicked the attacker in the head with as much force as he could muster instead of being gentle about it.


˙˙˙ǝʌᴉƃ ᴉ sʞɔnɟ ssǝl ǝɥʇ 'ʇǝƃ ᴉ ɹǝplo ǝɥʇ
looks like mohammed here was teaching ze pussified germans of today what a "blitzkrieg" looks like.

p.s. i bet angela merkel is rubbing her nipples to this video.
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Knife attack
View attachment 787885

Videos shared on social media showed a man attacking several people with a knife in the southwest German city of Mannheim on Friday. A police spokesperson confirmed the incident and said there was no danger to the public after the suspect was apprehended.

The police did not immediately provide any information about the severity of the injuries or the identities of those involved, but one of those stabbed was widely reported to be a prominent far-right activist and critic of Islam, Michael Stürzenberger.
Kill the goat fucker


Of what, stupidity??? It was a knife attack. <Generally speaking> If you live long enough to get to a hospital and they put a cork in you, you should be good to go.
Regardless, he let social media brainwash him into thinking that the only evil person there was the white guy. The world is better off.

But thanks for the info.


Forum Veteran
Knife attack
View attachment 787885

Videos shared on social media showed a man attacking several people with a knife in the southwest German city of Mannheim on Friday. A police spokesperson confirmed the incident and said there was no danger to the public after the suspect was apprehended.

The police did not immediately provide any information about the severity of the injuries or the identities of those involved, but one of those stabbed was widely reported to be a prominent far-right activist and critic of Islam, Michael Stürzenberger.
The results of the religion of peace.

Chief Queef

Last of the Mohicans
FUCK xenophobic retrograde homophobic misogynistic antisemitic criminal effing CHARIA ISLAMIC LAWS which are INCOMPATIBLE with HUMAN RIGHTS OF NON-MUSLIMS and also incompatible with the respect of non-muslims & the liberty of religion for non-muslims & liberty of expression of non-muslims
FUCK their effing xenophobic CALIPHATE
FUCK effing xenophobic CHARIA LAWS with forbid muslims to live with non-muslims after they have reached the demographic majority
FUCK effing xenophobic CHARIA LAWS which dehumanises non-muslims and state that non-muslims are dirty animals /dhimmis/kuffars /dirty pigs and that jews are apes
FUCK the effing xenophobic supremacy islamic theory of DHIMMINITUDE
FUCK effing xenophobic DAWAH
FUCK the ISLAMIC SLAVERY LAWS of KAFALA which states that muslims can take non-muslims as slaves
FUCK al BUCHARI hadiths or comments of the Quran on the APOLOGY OF TORTURE OF NON-MUSLIMS/ KUFFARS/ DHIMMIS/ which are dehumanised by islamic religious texts and considered as animals

HITLER was a member of a freemason lodge THULE SOCIETY which was founded by an effing German ISLAMIST ... NAZI-MUSLIM RUDOLF VON SEBOTTENDORF ... the hate of jews was imported from the islamic world because GERMANY & OTTOMAN EMPIRE created an alliance against Russia France and Britain DURING WWI (1914-1918) ... and freemasons consider themselves as sons of HIRAM the architect of Solomon's jewish temples in Jerusalem which was destroyed by the Romans in 70AD... there're muslim christian satanists hindu freemasons since freemason swear on the book of their choice and HITLER and his JEW-HATING NAZI-IDEOLOGY was financed by very powerful and influential German ISLAMISTS like RUDOLF VON SEBOTTENDORF
Jesus Christ. Tell us how you really feel...




Jesus Christ. Tell us how you really feel...
love your enemies ? yeah right I know... well it's actually not a stupid idea since judging others makes you kind take someone elses problem on your own shoulders which is kind of stupid... but still I think muslims who want charia laws & a caliphate (Muslim Brotherhood financed by Qatar for exemple) will become a problem in the EU very soon because islamic charia laws oder muslims to start spread their caliphate = earth of peace = total submission to charia laws by force with violent jihad if necessary everywhere their community reaches demographic majority so everywhere they have reached demographic majority historically a civil war of some kind sort started... in the EU it will start in very poor suburbs first all over the EU and we'll need military forces to stop it if we don't react now... just like what happens right now in Cyprus right now ex-Yougo back in 1991 Sudan starting in 1964 &&& since Banu Qurayza 628... the totalitarian and retrograde ideology islamism which is a human ideology - human so intrinsically erronnated be definition - like Capitalism Communism or Christianism would need to be reformed and apoliticized made compatible with Locke's concept of separation of powers (legislative/ judiciary/ executive powers) 1689 or Montesquieu 1748 and secularity/laicity (separtion between State and Religion) to be compatible with human rights & freedom of religion for everybody... and yeah love is actually a very intelligent way to psychologically break down hateful people and maybe make crazed religious fanatics feel stupid sometimes... maybe love is the only way to feel at peace but the best way to get crucified as well though lol - not that simple


Knife attack
View attachment 787885

Videos shared on social media showed a man attacking several people with a knife in the southwest German city of Mannheim on Friday. A police spokesperson confirmed the incident and said there was no danger to the public after the suspect was apprehended.

The police did not immediately provide any information about the severity of the injuries or the identities of those involved, but one of those stabbed was widely reported to be a prominent far-right activist and critic of Islam, Michael Stürzenberger.
The policeman stabbed in the throat is dead. He actually jumped on the wrong person sitting on a man who would have helped police and actually helped his killer - kind of stupid.