Funny It’ll be a joke if Superman gets woke (1 Viewer)

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Black Superman: Episode 69: Curse of the Missing Weed.

Black Superman is looking all around his section 8 apartment for his missing weed.

"Where mah weed at!?" He shouts in a stereotypical comedic black fashion.

Louis Lane, a big-booty hippopotamus of a black woman in a tent-like purple dress, lumbers into the room smoking a blunt.

"Dang dis some good shit."

Black Superman gets angry at the sight.

"Louis, thas mah weed gurl, why you play me like dat?"

"Dis ain't yo weed," she replies with a sassy head bob and flick of her fingers. "I got this from Martin "Lex-Lutha" King down at his crib in Tremont, foo!"

"Martin "Lex-Lutha", from the 3rd Street Crips!?" Exclaimed Black Superman, "bichniggah musta broken in and stole all mah weed to sell his self!"

And with a quick shuffle and a jump Black Superman leapt out the fire escape window soaring high into the pollution-filled sky above the Bronx, his black fist extended in front of him like the BLM symbol.

"Black Power!" He shouted. He flew so fast he broke the sound barrier resulting in a series of gun-shot like sonic booms which rattled and annoyed the whole neighborhood.

Black Superman descended down to the street at 192 Fulton Street in Tremont.

"The lair of my arch nemesis Martin "Lex-Lutha"!"

Black Superman banged on the front door with his powerful historically victimized fist.

"Open up Lex, bichniggah stole mah weed!"

Lex opened the door which resulted in a plume of weed smoke to be evoked into the air like a fog machine.

"Black Superman, or should I say Clark Cunt!?"

Black Superman gasped.

"How you know mah real name!?

But before either Lex or Black Superman could react they both were too overcome with the really dank weed smoke.

Soon the whole neighborhood was coming outside and going into Lex's appartment, including Black Superman.

The party was loud and lasted until sunrise.

Black Superman lay passed out in the bathroom with his ass in the air and shit all over the floor surounded by several skinny half naked black chicks covered in feces.

Black Superman slowly regained consciousness as his cell phone rang in the floor by his face.

The phone went to messaging and Louis Lane proceeded to go on an unhinged tirade asking "where he at".

The end.
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Forum Veteran
View attachment 781367

Black Superman: Episode 69: Curse of the Missing Weed.

Black Superman is looking all around his section 8 apartment for his missing weed.

"Where mah weed at!?" He shouts in a stereotypical comedic black fashion.

Louis Lane, a big-booty hippopotamus of a black woman in a tent-like purple dress, lumbers into the room smoking a blunt.

"Dang dis some good shit."

Black Superman gets angry at the sight.

"Louis, thas mah weed gurl, why you play me like dat?"

"Dis ain't yo weed," she replies with a sassy head bob and flick of her fingers. "I got this from Martin "Lex-Lutha" King down at his crib in Tremont, foo!"

"Martin "Lex-Lutha", from the 3rd Street Crips!?" Exclaimed Black Superman, "bichniggah musta broken in and stole all mah weed to sell his self!"

And with a quick shuffle and a jump Black Superman leapt out the fire escape window soaring high into the pollution-filled sky above the Bronx, his black fist extended in front of him like the BLM symbol.

"Black Power!" He shouted. He flew so fast he broke the sound barrier resulting in a series of gun-shot like sonic booms which rattled and annoyed the whole neighborhood.

Black Superman descended down to the street at 192 Fulton Street in Tremont.

"The lair of my arch nemesis Martin "Lex-Lutha"!"

Black Superman banged on the front door with his powerful historically victimized fist.

"Open up Lex, bichniggah stole mah weed!"

Lex opened the door which resulted in a plume of weed smoke to be evoked into the air like a fog machine.

"Black Superman, or should I say Clark Cunt!?"

Black Superman gasped.

"How you know mah real name!?

But before either Lex or Black Superman could react they both were too overcome with the really dank weed smoke.

Soon the whole neighborhood was coming outside and going into Lex's appartment, including Black Superman.

The party was loud and lasted until sunrise.

Black Superman lay passed out in the bathroom with his ass in the air and shit all over the floor surounded by several skinny half naked black chicks covered in feces.

Black Superman slowly regained consciousness as his cell phone rang in the floor by his face.

The phone went to messaging and Louis Lane proceeded to go on an unhinged tirade asking "where he at".

The end.
THAT was Awesome!!!