bizarre Jumping in the pool (1 Viewer)

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Lord Gutsy

Chinking The Fuck Out
Super Moderator



Forum Veteran
View attachment 784494

And that is why in CIVILIZED countries they have signs at the pool like NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY or SHALLOW NO DIVING or NO RUNNING OR HORSEPLAY. Because humans are retarded 😆


Forum Veteran
View attachment 784494

That's why in the US there are signs that say no horse play

Father Corpse

We are not your kind
retarded chink??
you re so more stupid than "chink" that you aren t able to see that it is indian people.

but i guess that you don t even know where is china, or india on a map.
a 5 years old chinese chikd know it ,and the difference. but you don t.

who is the more stupid?
Who is the more stupid?

You. You’re the more stupid.

Chief Queef

Last of the Mohicans
Wouldn't go near that cesspool. And people wonder and cry and curse God as to how they contracted a brain eating virus...


View attachment 784494

Who would actually swim in that shit stained looking pool??