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I don't know the back story.
This display of masculinity occured in Akhalkalaki, Georgia (the country).
It looks like 2 groups of friends going at it.
The two crews exchanged blows, thrashings and even shooting each other.
Each act received a swift response.
hats off.View attachment 563898
That was Utterly Ridiculous and Comedic! That was good 4 a laugh at least! Bunch of Uncoordinated Dildo's!
"And DILDO was their Name-O's"
Couldn't get past the fact that this is a shaky phone recording of a computer monitor, and OP couldn't even be bothered to turn on do not disturb.
Meh, its better than a repost of an video from 3 years ago.
Oh, I get it now, I didnt know people did that.
video is certainly shit.
good reply meg, your funny af
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