disaster Mommy's A Hoe (1 Viewer)

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Transcarpathian Explosives Expert
Its her daughter’s 2nd birthday party 🥳
Thank you I needed more context to the visuals I was seeing. My brain literally shut down for a moment. It was Mini Mouse....I just couldn't get why she was there. If that is how she dresses and acts for her kids 2nd b day I would be horrified to see her on New Years.


Of course your opinion matters! - just not to me.
Bunch of ugly mexi-Basketball Americans.... this is their normal behavior.... these animals need to be working in a factory or something... slaves on the loose...
Right. Because there are absolutely no white whores that would dance like this chick at her daughter’s birthday party in the USA. All American women are well-behaved and have the upmost manners. Let me fill you in on a well known universal fact: A whore is a whore no matter what pigment she is! There are white whores , black whores, Latina whores, Asian whores, the list goes on …and if you look at sociology on the world scale you will find that most Latin American countries frown upon this kind of behavior, particularly because they are a people that have a devotion to the church. So, to spell it out for you , this isn’t not “ the normal “ behavior of a Latina woman. So quit demonizing Latinas as if they all have a strip pole in their living room. Fuck I can’t believe you need someone to explain it to you !
Right. Because there are absolutely no white whores that would dance like this chick at her daughter’s birthday party in the USA. All American women are well-behaved and have the upmost manners. Let me fill you in on a well known universal fact: A whore is a whore no matter what pigment she is! There are white whores , black whores, Latina whores, Asian whores, the list goes on …and if you look at sociology on the world scale you will find that most Latin American countries frown upon this kind of behavior, particularly because they are a people that have a devotion to the church. So, to spell it out for you , this isn’t not “ the normal “ behavior of a Latina woman. So quit demonizing Latinas as if they all have a strip pole in their living room. Fuck I can’t believe you need someone to explain it to you !
You're wasting your time responding to yogurtfag. He's a retarded fat sack of shit that attempts to be an internet "tough guy" on a fucking gore forum.


Of course your opinion matters! - just not to me.
You know, speaking from experience, ain’t nothing wrong with being a slut and wanna do what you want with whomever you want , but LADY! Control your hormones at least at your young daughter’s birthday. There will be plenty of chances to fuck her life up with a mom like you.