Police Tazer Helped Him Put Phone Down (1 Viewer)

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Luv inside of the human body
Guy with domestic assault and DUI charges being an idiot during felony stop...
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Why those curries always think they can do anything everywhere? Police say shut the fuck up you do it. Police say put your skirt up and your panties down you do it. If you haven't done anything wrong just go with it. They have body cam. Men are so stupid all the time.


Am I wrong to think it was a bit suspicious for them to not want to be recorded? I mean, it wasn't a weapon......
You are right, every wanted suspect has the right to do whatever they please during a felony stop, including disobey lawful orders, any modern American liberal district attorney would agree with that. Of course this also leads to a society where wanted suspects can do as they please to no consequence all the time which many law abiding people find annoying, but fuck them. Power to the criminals!

Stormy Llewellyn

Forum Veteran
You are right, every wanted suspect has the right to do whatever they please during a felony stop, including disobey lawful orders, any modern American liberal district attorney would agree with that. Of course this also leads to a society where wanted suspects can do as they please to no consequence all the time which many law abiding people find annoying, but fuck them. Power to the criminals!
I didn't say do "whatever they please". I said the phone isn't a weapon...


It's not too late... Mayhap I'll be one of the jury on your trial. I'll set you free, bird...
Nah, I'd rather go to prison. Free housing, food, and no responsibility, plus I would just say I'm a transwoman so they put me in the all-female prison, then I make all the female inmates and guards my own personal harem siring dozens of children. And with the collapse of outside society I would rule the prison, now my own personal castle fortress, as a king.


Fresh Meat
Nah, I'd rather go to prison. Free housing, food, and no responsibility, plus I would just say I'm a transwoman so they put me in the all-female prison, then I make all the female inmates and guards my own personal harem siring dozens of children. And with the collapse of outside society I would rule the prison, now my own personal castle fortress, as a king.
Once a loser, always a loser