bizarre Muslim Men (1 Viewer)

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🍉LorD oF tHe NegS🍉
Could be actually 🤔.. Maybe she wasn't from that country. Who knows. I'm not too sure about their bizarre rules. But I'm sure you're right about the being covered, being punished, espicially if she is married. Aren't they the ones that have to cover everything apart from some face and eyes.

No need to be nice..😂🤣😂

I typed 2 replies before I settled on the least offensive view I had.


Constantly laughing at the world
Fucking cavemen haven't evolved since the stone ages. I hate them so much. That whole place should have been completely nuked years ago. ... and Sudan while they're at it. naaaah fuckit .. all of Africa too. ALL useless cunts.



^ the only solution, just in multiples


Is this why the woman wear clothes that cover their whole bodies, face ect. This would EXPLAIN why. (Or is that somewhere else) but wtf would they have done to her if no1 had stopped this. They seriously need to be taught.
Yep it’s to discourage male sexual desire,
But places like Iran women are throwing off their hijabs, but she’s wearing a Kurti in public so guessing she’s either someone’s daughter or maybe a Hindi, otherwise she would be wearing a burqa


I never eat a pig as a pig is a cop
Paki grooming gangs are huge in the uk , the police don't do owt as fear they are being racist