Negro Beats Another Negro With A Hammer (2 Viewers)

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We are Kings
If I had to fight someone a lot bigger than me and I happened to have a hammer on me they'd get the same treatment. If it was a UFC fighter I'd shoot them. Using the right tool for the job is important.


Forum Veteran
If I had to fight someone a lot bigger than me and I happened to have a hammer on me they'd get the same treatment. If it was a UFC fighter I'd shoot them. Using the right tool for the job is important.
Exactly, just fucking kill them all, I wish fuckers would line up already, hey look a mosque

Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
Blacks attacking Blacks, its just wrong

You act surprised.
Blacks attacking other blacks is very common in the U.S.

Over 7,000 blacks are killed by other blacks every year in the U.S.

The overwhelming majority of violence upon blacks is black on black violence.



Well Known Member
Dude said that’s a hammer don’t hit him anymore, other said where’s my keys, he car jacked me (even though he was impolitely asking for a ride home) random man said he might be dead hammer dude said call the police then.... wtf 🤬 people be crazy these days who the hell just totes a hammer. Not a gun, knife or even pepper spray but he had a hammer in his back pocket I guess and obviously ready to use it??????


Truth is stranger than fiction
1. What the fuck is this nigger doing with a hammer outside a gas station?
2. Why the fuck is the person recording sayin' "stop, stop, thats a hammer bro" in a monotone voice
3. Where are the people stopping this fucking lunatic?
They’re niggers dude, What did you expect?


Forum Veteran
That dude was holding the hammer the entire conversation... Did that dumb nigger not see it, or did he just think it wasn't going to be put to use? Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a retard
You are telling a negro that? save your breath, although I am impressed that one of the apes evolved to use his hand to hold a hammer. one small step for apes, one big step for negros.


Holocaust fact checker
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Nice info, i google the name and cant find one article from any source about the case of a negroid beating another negroids head in on video that goes viral.

But let a white woman call the cops on a nigger harrassing her in a public park and its international news resulting in the womans life being destroyed.


Forum Veteran
1. What the fuck is this nigger doing with a hammer outside a gas station?
2. Why the fuck is the person recording sayin' "stop, stop, thats a hammer bro" in a monotone voice
3. Where are the people stopping this fucking lunatic?
Cos da hammer fix da fings on da car fingy. All dem need is da hammer to fix all da fingz.
The one saying stop that's a hammer knows that a hammer will not work anywhere near as well as a spanner to loosen nuts. He must have had a decent education compared to the other lump of shit nugget.
Where are the people stopping him? They were not there. Easy one that.


Forum Veteran

Actually Mr. Happy, it's not in any park...the video is from a business parking lot in Detroit.

And if memory serves me correct (and it usually does), it occured in the parking lot of either an all-night "Coney" restaurant or hamburger the area of 6-Mile Road.
All-night "Coney" restaurants and hamburger joints are ubiquitous in the Detroit area.

In this day...whenever I am in the Detroit area, I still stop at one of those burger joints.
It's called "Brays," at the corner of 9-Mile Road and Dequindre Rd in the Detroit suburb of Hazel Park.

View attachment 429449

A car park is exactly the same as a business parking lot.
Are you black?