Negro Beats Another Negro With A Hammer (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
I was brought up to think hammers were used by Carpenter's to hammer nails into wood. As I grew older and wiser, I realised hammers can also be used in other ways.

Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
I’m good with the outcome...

Notice what the Detroit negro taking the video is saying (because the guy getting whacked with the hammer is a negro)...

"No...No...Hey...That's A Hammer Dog...That's Fucked Up."

If the guy getting whacked with the hammer had been White, I guarantee you that Detroit negro wouldn't have been saying..."No...No...That's Fucked Up."

Instead, he would have been saying...

"Hit Him Some Mo' Dog...Don't Be Stoppin' Now...Whack Him Some Mo' Dog."

They don't like Whites, and the other races now despise negroes.
That's race relations in 2024...courtesy of the Biden Regime's divisive propaganda.
