Reddits first reaction to Ukraine (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
These white countries are neglecting the needs and care of their own citizens because of some corrupt agenda backed shithole and you're funding it by putting gas in your car, simple as that, enjoy your 5 dollar loaf of bread.


"Hiro" aka: "Dolly"... the homo britfag dicksucker
reddit has some good firearm related content..... other than that?....fags


Splendid Fellow
Fellows, fellows, when we kill women and children and old people and cherished pets in times of war, or reprisals for something or other, it's allowed because it's legal in the eyes of the law and the Lord. The people we slaughter understand this and admire us in our brave quest for freedoms and they shouldn't have annoyed us in the first place right? Only niggers and libtards have a problem with us doing what we want.

The thing you have to remember about Putin is, he's a beady eyed commie who loves evil.

So, there you have it.


Well Known Member
Russia has lost more soldiers in the last month the the US did in the last 20 years. Russia will return home with their tail between their legs eventually. Just like how you do whenever you go on a date with another man. You puny Muppet

Foreskin Goblin

Meth connoisseur
This is so true. It’s really easy to watch these videos when the person your watching be dissected alive doesn’t look like you or speak the same language..
Tbh imo it doesnt matter either way, considering how many retards speak my language and look like me, i just want 3.9billion fuckers to die so our species can thrive


Don't take what I say seriously...
Boatload of ethnic minorities.
Whole of middle Europe and West Asia has Asians from the Kahn Dynasties. They kicked ass...They have been there ever since.
Fun fact- Legend has it the Genghis Khan killed 40 million people and was responsible for large areas of Europe and western Asia going wild and being naturalised...